About VMT
VMT stands for the best-selling Navigation systems in Tunnelling worldwide. We have equipped thousands of tunnelling projects with our navigation, information, monitoring and communication systems since 1994. We make sure to guide tunnel boring machines to their destinations with millimetre accuracy.
To have ongoing projects in view at any time and any place, we now offer an App that displays the current TBM position in real-time to our customers. Our demo project illustrates you the display exemplary. Login at [Your projects] with the following data:
[User Name]: demo
[Password]: demo
Our clients receive LogIn data for ongoing projects from their VMT project leader. For each new project, we offer the app for free. With existing internet connection, the TBM navigation data are updated every 30 minutes. Our staff will be happy to advise you!
The VMT app is an application for mobile phones and tablets and is provided exclusively in English language.