key2operate for Android
key2operate is a system dedicated to the non-automated business processes within a manufacturing enterprise.
It supports the user by collecting information, guiding through the plant and managing the day-by-day working tasks.
key2operate is the key to integrate your manual business processes into the overall automation of your production!
The work scheduling department can schedule tasks to different users and different mobile devices, like Smartphone,
Scanner, Tablets aso., both online and offline incl. automatic replication.
Menu-driven workflows and configuration settings are loaded on mobile devices. All essential manual processes can be build and as
digital instruction taken by the user. For accurate Handling additional informations, like photos, documentations and instructions can be
added to any workflow.
Manual entries, scanning of bar codes or RFID-Tags helping to identifiy Sites and devices and provide assistance by recording the work progress.
key2operate can be used for reporting of operations, inspection rounds and maintenance activities within production sites. It allows
the configuration of almost every manual business process.
You are interested und would like to have further informations? - contact us!