BT SDS V4 for Android
Die mobile App bringt die Funktionen des Web Portals direkt auf Ihr mobiles Endgerät, ohne dass Sie einen mobilen Browser verwenden müssen.
- Daten können verschlüsselt auf Ihrem Endgerät für die offline Nutzung gespeichert wer-den
- Sie können Dateien direkt von Ihrem Endgerät in den BT SDS hochladen
Der BT Secure Data Space lässt sich einfach in Ihre bestehenden Geschäftsprozesse einbinden und kann sofort und intuitiv eingesetzt werden.
The mobile App for accessing BT Secure Data Space.
The BT Secure Data Space (BT SDS) is an innovative “Software-as-a-Service” solution helping clients to fulfill new requirements for file exchange. BT SDS is a secure platform for company internal and external use with partners allowing secure and traceable file exchange.
BT SDS mobile app brings the functionality of the web portal directly to your mobile device without the need of a mobile browser. You can store data encrypted on your local device for offline use and up- and download files to/from the BT Secure Data Space as comfortable as from your PC.
This solution can be easily embedded in your existing business processes and is immediately ready for use in an intuitive fashion.
Mit dem BT Secure Data Space (BT SDS) bietet BT eine innovative „Software-as-a-Service-Lösung“, die Kunden hilft, den neuen Anforderungen im Bezug auf Datenaustausch nachzu-kommen. Die BT SDS-Lösung ist eine sichere Dateiaustauschplattform, über die Daten sowohl unternehmensintern als auch mit externen Partnern auf sichere und nachvollziehbare Art und Weise ausgetauscht werden können.
Die mobile App bringt die Funktionen des Web Portals direkt auf Ihr mobiles Endgerät, ohne dass Sie einen mobilen Browser verwenden müssen.
- Daten können verschlüsselt auf Ihrem Endgerät für die offline Nutzung gespeichert wer-den
- Sie können Dateien direkt von Ihrem Endgerät in den BT SDS hochladen
Der BT Secure Data Space lässt sich einfach in Ihre bestehenden Geschäftsprozesse einbinden und kann sofort und intuitiv eingesetzt werden.
With the BT Secure Data Space (BT SDS) BT offers an innovative "Software-as-a-service solution", which helps clients to the new requirements on data exchange nachzu-come in terms. The BT SDS solution is a secure file exchange platform within the company through the data both as can also be exchanged with external partners in a secure and traceable way.The mobile app brings the features of the Web portal directly to your mobile device, without having to use a mobile browser.
- Data can be stored encrypted on your device for offline use whoever-the
- You can upload files directly from your device in the BT SDS
The BT Secure Data Space can be easily into your existing business processes to integrate and can be used intuitively and immediately.
The mobile app for Accessing BT Secure Data Space.
The BT Secure Data Space (BT SDS) is an innovative "Software-as-a-service" solution helping clients to Fulfill new requirements for file exchange. BT SDS is a secure platform for company internal and external use with partners Allowing secure and traceable file exchange.
BT SDS mobile app brings the functions on of the web portal directly to your mobile device without the need of a mobile browser. You can store data encrypted on your local device for offline use and up- and download files to / from the BT Secure Data Space as comfortable as fromyour PC.
This solution can be Easily embedded into your existing business processes and is immediately ready for use in a intuitive fashion.
With the BT Secure Data Space (BT SDS) BT offers an innovative "Software-as-a-service solution", which helps clients to the new requirements on data exchange nachzu-come in terms. The BT SDS solution is a secure file exchange platform within the company through the data both as can also be exchanged with external partners in a secure and traceable way.
The mobile app brings the features of the Web portal directly to your mobile device, without having to use a mobile browser.
- Data can be stored encrypted on your device for offline use whoever-the
- You can upload files directly from your device in the BT SDS
The BT Secure Data Space can be easily into your existing business processes to integrate and can be used intuitively and immediately.