
大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 Free App

Rated 3.39/5 (51) —  Free Android application by 台灣大車隊


About 大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣

City Taxi

台灣大車隊以領先同業運用衛星定位派遣服務,推出3G (GPS + GPRS + GIS) 乘車服務、24小時全天候衛星行車監控,真正做到「您在坐、天在看」高科技運輸服務業的安全品質,因此台灣大車隊建立在消費者心目中為計程車第一品牌地位,所以開發出最適合民眾叫車模式的功能,還可以指定刷卡機車輛。

◎GPS 叫車>以現在所在位置以 GPS 定位來派車,並可以修正地點及位置。



4.55899 叫車
◎直接撥打 55899 叫車(每秒 0.1 元,前 10 秒免費),未來可以切換其他車隊。


◎登錄 Facebook 告訴您的好友,城市衛星聯合派遣讚啦! City satellite joint dispatch
City Taxi

Company Profile
Taiwan's big teams to use the same industry-leading GPS dispatch service, the introduction of 3G (GPS + GPRS + GIS) car service, 24-hour satellite traffic monitoring, truly, "you sit, day in perspective," the high-tech transport services sector security quality, and therefore build Taiwan's fleet of taxis in the minds of consumers first brand position, so the development of the most appropriate mode of function of people called the car, you can also specify the credit card machine vehicles.

Phone Features
1. Internet cab
◎ address called car> can directly enter the address of the current location of the car you want to order a car.
◎ GPS called car> in position now to send a car with GPS positioning and location and position can be corrected.
◎ Favorites> can record several groups address the most common car, easy to shorten the time for a cab.
◎ record set cars> can be recorded once called the car succeeded or failed cab address, in order to queries.
◎ nearby> check your Popular nearby attractions, the carrying out of the car.

2. Member Area
◎ ride record> record once the car ride over the historical record, eliminating the call time.
◎ ease Services>
◎ ease Newsletters> After sending the car, this feature sends vehicle information and travel time to relatives or friends know.
◎ vehicle location> through function can query to the current location of the vehicle, the vehicle reaches the estimated distance.
◎ cancel setting cars> After successfully setting cars can cancel here.
◎ track record after> car service is completed, you can check whether the route to go right or circumstances detour.
◎ Suggestion Box> would you want the big teams in Taiwan say, here, we will have someone to help you.
◎ Profile> Here you can modify your basic membership profile.

3. Message Express
◎ News> Here you can check the latest news of the big teams.
◎ promotions> goodies are here.

4.55899 cab
◎ direct dial 55899 Taxi (0.1 yuan per second, 10 seconds before free), you can switch to other teams future.

5. Evaluation ride
◎ feel you can ride to stay here.

6. Recommend to a friend
◎ Login Facebook Tell your friends, send a joint satellite city like it!

How to Download / Install

Download and install 大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 version 5.15 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: dbx.citytaxi, download 大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
[新增] 被分享路徑顯示台灣大車隊標語及替換司機預設圖示。
[新增] 乘車紀錄資料更新及只儲存三個月內最多100筆紀錄。
[修正] 叫車地址不完整問題。
[修正] 新增我的最愛特殊符號替換為空白。
[修正] 側邊攔「首頁」改為我要叫車。
[修正] 個人資料「取消」改為「清除重填」,並點擊不清除大頭照。
[修正] 地址叫車「台北市」可不選擇「鄉鎮市區」。
[修正] 記錄無經緯度,定位錯誤問題。
More downloads  大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
Version update 大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 was updated to version 5.15
Version update 大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 was updated to version 2.0
Version update 大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 was updated to version 1.5

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