TV Guide Smart for Android
Ocenil by som verziu v ceskom resp. slovenskom jazyku. Rodicia nevedia anglicky preto tuto aplikaciu nemozu pouzivat aj keby chceli.
Absolutely garbish has tv channels what aint on tv no more aka santana bbc 3 .....
Very useful app.
I'm using this app for few years now and I'm very satisfied - I love it
Useful and easy to watch anywhere.
Horrible interface
works good
Best tv app for people without sky/virgin
Good app, some missing UK Freeview channels (but has most of the channels I watch). Loading and navigation is fast, but sometimes you can't see what is on now as the title doesn't snap to the left hand edge of the screen (you have to scroll back to the start of the programme)
Používam denne viac ako rok. Plne funkčná, stabilná aplikácia. Prijal by som ešte možnosť členenia obľúbených kanálov. Napríklad športové, dokumentárne... Keď je všetko spolu je to dosť neprehľadné.
You can't select a region, useless! Uninstalled.
Konecne pouzitelny TV program. Jedina vec chybi k dokonalosti: start aplikace primo do "gridu" oblibenych programu. Pak dam klidne 10*. Prosim o odpoved jestli se toho v budoucnu dockam, imho je to jen otazka jedne polozky v nastaveni. Diky. edit: tak je to tam, parada!
french channels list doesnt work
Love this app I just wish it has USA channels like FreeForm & Disney Channel
It's stupid
vinikajuca vec, pouzivam kazdy den ked potrebujem rychlo skuknut kde co hra. dajte ale moznost vyp/zap moznost toho nahravania. casto sa to hryzie a potom uz rychlo nic nejde a skonci neuplnym nacitanim podrobnosti titulu s chybovou hlaskou o nedostupnosti servera..
Komplexný prehľad TV programu na 14 dní dopredu, aplikácia funguje spoľahlivo. Len škoda že funkcie nahrávania programov sú zatiaľ nepoužiteľné...
I can't found Starworld here..????????
Can't find an app with a digital TV listing for L.A. cal. This is the third app I've downloaded. Your only choices are anywhere but U.S.! even Slovak, Hungary, Italy, Germany, england, Russia but no U.S.!
Poslední dva updaty to uplně posral., zobrazují se špatné pořady u jednotlivých kanálů, je to celý nějaký popletený!!!....edit: podle reakce by to mělo být dobrý, tak snad to bude, uvidíme.
Trocha ma štve, že sú názvy programov po česky.
some foreign thing?
Vzhledem k pokroku a modernim moznostem kabelove televize, kde je mozne ze zaznamu sledovat porady az 48 hodin zpet v case, by bylo fajn, pokud by slo zobrazit krome vcerejsiho programu i prehled o dva dny zpet. Omezeni historie pouze na vcerejsi program mne z tohoto duvodu prijde zbytecnou nedomyslenosti a velkou nevyhodou aplikace. Jinak skvele, hodnotil bych 5*, pokud by bylo toto v dalsim update vyreseno. EDIT: Nějaké novinky s tou slíbenou delší historií programů?
Only has a few English channels not worth downloading if in U.K.
So nice one app for all looking for more channels to be integrated
Love to
I can see in Germany the English channel and I have a widget...lovely
Great application! I am only a bit scared to use any cleaner app.. could it damage functionality of this app?
design je ošklivý, minimální možnosti nastavení. A jak tady píšou ostatní, v popisu by mělo být jasně uvedeno, že je to vhodné jen pro Cz resp. Evropu. Takže dokud nepřijde výrazný redesign, není důvod aplikaci používat(odinstalováno).
No stars....does not include freeview channels...
So nice one app for all looking for more channels to be integrated
Jednoduche prehladne, odporucam
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Tv guide smart
Javeed raseed
by K####:
Actually a very good TV guide. The scrollable timeline view works well (although would benefit from being more configurable eg. font sizes, colours). It scrolls smoothly & fast and I like the ability to pinch to zoom in/out. Only issue I have is that there are quite a lot of missing UK Freeview channels such as Yesterday (which has been broadcasting for years, so no real excuse for missing it out). Also the programme info is very basic, most TV guides download a programme image graphic & maybe a weblink for more details. If the info is going to stay basic, does it need to take up the whole screen for just a couple of lines of text?