About NoD
Experimentální prostor NoD - neotřelá a nezapomenutelná divadelní představení, výstavy, audiovizuální eventy a kavárna. To vše v jednom a v centru Prahy. Připojte se k nám!
Experimental Space NoD - bold and off-beat theatre and dance performances, art exhibitions, audiovisual events and a café - all in one - located in the very centre of Prague. Get connected!
Aplikace je vytvořená pomocí služby ADAM - www.ADAMAPP.cz Experimental space NoD - novel and unforgettable theatrical performances, exhibitions, audiovisual events and a café. This all in one and in the center. Join us!
Experimental Space nod - and bold off-beat theater and dance performances, art exhibitions, audiovisual events and a café - all in one - located in the very center of Prague. Get connected!
The application is created using ADAM - www.ADAMAPP.cz
by C####: