GSM Alarm Control V1.2 for Android
Select you alarm mode, insert the number of the system and your password and all has been done. You only need to press the button to arm, dissarm or select in the command list the function you want to do and send to the alarm system.
Select and send! That's enough
Supported models: Compatibles with Zoquing ZOQGSM01 (GSM 16 Areas), Zoquing ZOQGSM02 (GSM with Camera), Zoquing ZOQGSM03 (GSM 99 Keyboard), Zoquing ZOQGSM04 (GSM 99 Touch Keyboard), Zoquing ZOQGSM05 (99 Areas GSM+ PSTN), Quantum Attractive (Thanks Roberto)
Do you want we add a new GSM Alarm System? Send me the manual to and I'll try to add it as soon as possible.
Please, before send a negative feed back, please send me an email to and I'll try to solve the problem ASAP. Help me to do it better and keep it for free forever!!