About 三国演义
《三国演义》不仅是较早的一部历史小说,而且代表着古代历史小说的最高成就。小说采用浅近的文言,明快流畅,雅俗共赏;笔法富于变化,对比映衬,旁冗侧出,波澜曲折,摇曳多姿。又以宏伟的结构,把百年左右头绪纷繁、错综复杂的事件和众多的人物组织得完整严密,叙述得有条不紊、前后呼应,彼此关联,环环紧扣,层层推进。 "Three Kingdoms" is not only a historical novel earlier, and represents the highest achievements of ancient historical novels. Qian Jin novel use of classical, bright and smooth, tastes; strokes varied, contrast against the background, next to a redundant side, tortuous waves, glittering. Youyi magnificent structure, the hydra-headed about a century, complex characters and numerous events organized complete and thorough, orderly narrative, before and after the echo, interrelated, interlocking, layers of advance.