About تعلم الحروف العربية مع الأمثلة
مع تطبيق تعلم الحروف العربية سيتمكن اطفالنا من تعلم الحروف الأبجدية الثمانية والعشرون بالصوت والصورة من خلال امثلة على كل حرف.
كذلك يتوفر التطبيق على خاصيتين الاولى قراءة الحروف كلها من "الألف" الى "الياء" بشكل متواصل, والخاصية الثانية هي قراءة كل حرف على حدى وإعطاء مثال عليه.
راعينا خلال برمجة التطبيق ان يكون من السهل استخدامه من طرف الأطفال, وكذا ان تكون الحروف مشكولة كي تسهل عليهم قراءتها.
مرفق مع التطبيق صور مأخوذة منه خلال اشتغاله بالإضافة الى شريط فيديو.
=== English description ===
our application is the best way to learn arabic letters through sounds and images. you will be able to discover the twenty eight arabic alphabets which are : Alef,Baa,Taa,Thaa,Jem,Haa,Khaa,Dal,Thal,Raa,Zeen,Seen,Sheen,Saad,Daad,Taa,Thaa,Ean,Ghen,Faa,Qaf,Kaf,Lam,Meem,Noon,Haa,Waw,Yaa With the application of our children learn Arabic letters will be able to learn Twenty-eight letters of the alphabet sound and image through examples of each character.
The application also is available on the first two properties to read all the letters from "a thousand" to "Z" continuously, and the second property is read each letter individually and give an example of it.
Shepherd through application programming can be easy to use by children, as well as the letters are Mhkolh in order to facilitate them to read.
Application Facility with pictures taken from him during functioned in addition to the videotape.
=== English description ===
our application is the best way to learn arabic letters through sounds and images. you will be able to discover the twenty eight arabic alphabets which are: Alef,Baa,Taa,Thaa,Jem,Haa,Khaa,Dal,Thal,Raa,Zeen,Seen,Sheen,Saad,Daad,Taa,Thaa,Ean,Ghen,Faa,Qaf,Kaf,Lam,Meem,Noon,Haa,Waw,Yaa