ZUNO Dokumenty for Android
V ZUNO všetko zariadite online bez nutnosti strácať čas na pobočke. Potrebujete doručiť dokumenty na overenie vašej totožnosti pri online zakladaní účtu alebo k žiadosti o PÔŽIČKU? Jednoducho ich vyfoťte svojím telefónom a pošlite nám ich cez zabezpečenú aplikáciu.
Komunikácia s bankou nikdy nebola jednoduchšia.
Just a few clicks and your documents are in ZUNO
In ZUNO you can manage everything online from the comfort of your sofa. Do you need to deliver some documents in order to authenticate your identity within the online account opening or LOAN application? Just take a photo of them with your phone and send them to ZUNO securely.
Communication with the bank was never easier.
Send the necessary documents to ZUNO few clicksIn ZUNO manage everything online without having to waste time on a branch. The need to deliver documents to verify your identity when setting up online account or get a loan? Simply take a picture of your phone and send them to us via a secure application.
Communication with the bank has never been easier.
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Just a few clicks and your documents are in ZUNO
In ZUNO you can manage everything online from the comfort of your sofa. Do you need to deliver some documents in order to authenticate your identity within the online account opening or loan application? Just take a photo of them with your phone and send them to ZUNO securely.
Communication with the bank was never easier.
Buggy, multiple upload failures
cant install app. nexus 5. error code 504
can't install
Cannot install on my nexus 5, error code 504.
Neda sa nainstalovat, vypise chybu.
Doesn't work...
Does not work on Nexus 5 (unknown error popup when adding new document)
by R####:
Does not work on Nexus 5x. After logging in and clicking "Add new document" I get a popup: "Error, null, OK"