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About 油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級








不用再猶豫了,趕快行動購買此軟體,讓各位擁有每小時速記大量單字的學習爆發力,不再是遙不可及的夢想。 GEPT is the ability to detect the localization of English language training system by the Foundation for the Development Test Center. This test object is not limited to students in the school in order to participate. In the concept of lifelong learning and the spirit of the students in the school and the community can be in accordance with their ability to apply the appropriate level. Therefore, the questions are not confined to the textbooks, and more diversified content to life. GEPT exam is the most important feature of considerable localization and life, in line with the candidate's upbringing. In recent years, China, Japan, are also developing their own English testing system in line with national conditions. Thus, the birth of GEPT described as Gospel people and language learners.

GEPT exam, a total is divided into: basic, intermediate, senior, senior and excellent grade five level certification examination is divided into listening, speaking, reading and writing part, by GEPT "intermediate" who has use simple English communication ability Richangshenghuo, the equivalent of a high school degree graduate. Those who issued by GEPT eligibility criteria of candidates by key certificate, and certification and license to judge the ability of the workplace is a global trend, and therefore obtain a certificate GEPT eligibility criteria, and you will be able to have a job or school the helpful.

"Painting Memory Act" binding "a lot, the whole brain, multi-level" basic theory, in addition to whole brain learning elements fusion intuitive right brain left brain speed reading and thoughtful tests, but also added a multi-sensory stimulation, increase the learning by memory the breadth and strength. Easy to use visual learners (immediate memory), auditory (native speakers human voice), tactile (keyboard) three-pronged memory word quickly convert long-term memory. .

In the "Painting Memory Method - ultra left brain seizure Intermediate English sentence," the official version of the software to provide learners sentence GEPT primary way to learn vocabulary, so a basic English skills.

The official version included compulsory intermediate GEPT 3000 words and 3000 sentence topic selection. Combined with intuitive right brain and left brain Thinking of speed reading test, multi-sensory stimulation reaches the whole brain learning amazing results, quickly converted into long-term memory word memory. Key features include cognitive, retrospective, associative, multi-sensory, tactile, analytical, paint mouse games quiz unit.

Wherein the analytical test, belongs to gram Dropouts way to learn sentence patterns and reinforce word memory test mode. You must complete sentences from context to fill in the sentence in line with the correct answer, and took the opportunity to test the candidates understanding of vocabulary and grammar.

"Paint mouse games" market, combining classic games entertaining, easy to play sex characteristics, adhesion, topicality and games mechanisms, designed both to learn, play, pass, the nature of the competition word learning games.

Do not hesitate, act quickly to buy this software, so you have a large number of words per hour shorthand learning power, is no longer a distant dream.

How to Download / Install

Download and install 油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級 version 1.04 on your Android device!
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Android package: com.zctengine.android.leve13l032201, download 油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級.apk

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More downloads  油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級 reached 10 - 50 downloads
Name changed  Name changed! PMM—Intermediate (Left brain) now is known as 油漆式速記法-超左腦句型英檢中級.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $7.50.
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $10.00.

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