مراقبة وتعداد الخطوات نسخة2017 for Android
مميزات وفوائد تطبيق عداد الخطى - حرق سعرات حرارية:
* الكشف التلقائي عن الخطوات (بغض النظر عن مكان الهاتف: جيب، على الذراع، اليد,الحقيبة)
* حساب دقيق للسعرات الحرارية المحروقة.
* حساب السرعة والمسافة المقطوعة
* مشاركة نتائجك مع اصدقائك على الشبكات الاجتماعية مثل Google+، الفيسبوك، تويتر، ال WhatsApp وأكثر من ذلك
* مقياس الخطى بالتزامن ;
*راقب عدد خطواتك في اليوم
* يمكن استعمال تطبيق مقياس الخطوات في الخلفية لحفظ البطارية.
تطبيق عد الخطوات وحرق السعرات الحرارية اتنا المشي او الجري يعمل باحترافية كبيرة عند ربطه بحزامك او ذراعك اتناء ممارستك للرياضة ويعطي نتائج افضل لفقدان الوزن والمحافضة علئ لياقتك البدنية .
With this app you will always have the number of steps calories burned and distance traveled in a single window.
Because enough daily exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle and good health, this application is a pedometer and calorie counter in one on your mobile phone. perfect to use while walking, jogging or running.
This application is completely customizable to your own settings. Please take the time to match your personal preferences.
Properties of this application:
Step detector calibration
carried out in the background
two exercises: running and walking
kilometers or miles Units
steps / distance calculator
distance / hour calculator
calculate calories burned
Features and benefits of implementing a pedometer - burn calories:
* Automatic detection of steps (regardless of where the phone: pocket, on the arm, hand, bag)
* Accurate calculation of calories burned.
* Calculate the speed and distance traveled
* Share your results with your friends on social networks such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, the WhatsApp and more
* Linear scale in conjunction;
* Watch the number of your steps per day
* Can be used to apply the scale of the steps in the background to save battery.
Counting steps application and burn calories Etna walking or running works great professionalism when linked Bhzamk Atina your arm or your practice of sport and gives the best to lose weight and Mahavdh categorize your fitness results.
With this app you will always have the number of steps calories burned and distance traveled in a single window.
Because enough daily exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle and good health, this application is a pedometer and calorie counter in one on your mobile phone. perfect to use while walking, jogging or running.
This application is completely customizable to your own settings. Please take the time to match your personal preferences.
Properties of this application:
Step detector calibration
carried out in the background
two exercises: running and walking
kilometers or miles Units
steps / distance calculator
distance / hour calculator
calculate calories burned