Yonder Music - Indonesia for Android
Aplikasi sudah lumayan, kualitas musik dan kecepatan download juga bagus, tapi tolong pengkategorian artist dan album diperbaiki, search maroon 5 dan banyak album yang hanya satu lagu, ada album yang isinya berulang, dan album yang sama di list sampai 5 kali.
Udah mantap semua Cuma kalo saran saya di rapihin lagi min Trus kalo bisa tambahin lyric tq☺️
Sy update ke versi terbaru, tapi setelahnya tidak bisa digunakan sama sekali. Suruh log in ulang, sy log in, suruh pake jaringan XL, sy ganti jaringan XL. Eh, log in lagi tidak bisa, eror melulu. Malah sekarang jadi offline, tidak bisa muter apapun. Maksudnya apa???
You developer should add forward and back functions which are functioning with headset button. So we can forward or back to the song we love while running or cycling.
Sesudah diupdate app kadang terhenti dg sendirinya..sebelumnny lancar saja..please fix it...thanks a lot.,
Terima kasih ya yonder saya bisa dengerin music sepuasnya
beautiful design, HQ mp3, and complete song (i've got campursari inside), thanks...
mantap jiwa!!! ^﹏^
UI has been improved significantly, however there is something which bothers me. When I go to my songs tab, I find it quite difficult to click on the three dots next to my song and the scroll down. I was about to download the song, but it goes to the bottom of the page. Please make sure there's a space between the scrollbar and the option for each song. Thank you very much.
Playlist kenapa sulit sekali ditambahnya ya? Masuk, terus hilang lagi...kenapa gak mau stay? Cuma mau add playlist..udah itu aja,.sederhana kenapa kok ya gak bisa² nambah....50 lagu doang dari dulu.
kenapa ya, lagunya kalau di pause.. app player nya di notification bar menghilang? dan harus di buka ulang... pdhal versi yg jadul gk kyk gtu
Really good music streaming app! For XL users, when you bought a spesific internet plan, you can enjoy this app for free! There's also offline feature! Must quite say better than Spotify, although Spotify is more complete dan Yonder.
UI nya bagus.. penyimpanan kenapa tidak ada pilihan seperti yang lawas.. dan kadang.. tidak play next padahal udah di download
I updated to the recent version and all of my playlist gone, just like that. I gotta login again and it needs to be via xl provider.. :(
Search function kurang akurat, semoga bisa diperbaiki.
Kmrn setelah update, isi playlist hilang. Playlist msh ada tp 0 songs. Kesel. Trus sekarang gak bisa dibuka.
I lost several songs from my playlist. Got 302 songs and now it only 43
Sebelumnya bisa ganti-ganti lagu lewat control talk headset, sesudah diupdate kok jadi tidak bisa
UI is better now. But I can't choose to listen Indonesian music only. And only some popular music is updated.
Kenapa ada sebagian lagu yang ga bisa di play ya? :(
Update nya ngga bagus, ngga bisa di kontrol pakai bluetooth mobil..sebelumnya bisa..
Jirrr...bapukkkk.. Suara pecah kemana2, Bagusan gw download mke t****mate...hahahha
Tambah terus kelengkapan lagunya. Tambahin lirik juga
Suka sama tampilan baru nyaa
update please app keluar terus
Lagu2 baru tdk ada
Congratulations.... 1 million downloaded
Bagus, tampilannya udah lebih simple
Like it
Very good
Saya sangat mengapresiasi design aplikasi yang baru ini. Meskipun begitu, masih banyak yang harus ditingkatkan lagi seperti: 1. Perbanyak lagi koleksi lagu. 2. Perbanyak lagi lagu yang mendukung fitur karaoke. 3. Penambahan fitur lirik tanpa 'musi*match' agar mirip 'jo*x'. 4. Ditingkatkan lagi tampilan aplikasinya. 5. Dukungan 'split screen' di android nougat.
From the previous one, it's much better. Snap karaoke feature is really me. Play your favourite music and sing it out loud from. Whole lotta love for Yonder
mantap!! semangat terus, kalo pendapatku mengenai design baru ini... udah bagus! yonder memperlihatkan design uniknya tersendiri, menurutku ini mudah dipahami. Berbeda dengan pendapat orang di bawah-bawah yang bilang ga sama kaya spotify / joox, silahkan saja pakai aplikasi tersebut, creator app bebas menentukan temanya sendiri... :D perbanyak lagi fitur menarik lainnya, kutungu ya... SEMANGAT MUSIK INDONESIA!
Track collection is not as big as other music streaming apps. Nevertheless, it is OK. Not great, just OK.
Yuhuuu... Versi terbaru yang bener-bener Fresh dan seru, bisa Video Karaoke kayak Smule! Sing dan tampilan yang keren. Terus berinovasi ya YonderMusic, kualitas musiknya terus perbaiki, minimal 128kbps.
Getting Better, nice new Interface and easy to use app, the content more fresh and impressif... Love it, thanks for heared review before, Now I can listening easy everywhere..
This app keeps crashing over and over, and it sometimes won't let me play a song, it keeps shuffling ridiculously to the last song. I mean everytime i want to hear a song, it switched back to the last song.
by N####:
Yay ada xandria n eluveite sama endless form most beautiful udah d lengkapin, sesuai janji gw kasi bintang 5. Btw take off your pants and jacket nya koq jd ga bsa ya perasaan dulu ga masalah