About 読んだ4レコーダー
バーコードリーダーとして「Barcode Scanner」アプリを、twitterに書き込むには普段お使いのtwitterアプリを使うことができます(Twitroid, TwitteRideは確認済。メッセージを受け取れるtwitterクライアントならその他でも動くはずです)。 Read web service that takes a reading record on Twitter is reading recording tool for 4 (yonda4.com). When you have finished reading the books and comics, you get is quickly recorded in the mobile phone at hand.
Reading the bar code on the back cover of the book or cartoon with a bar code reader, book title has been added, you can send it directly to Twitter by @ yonda4. You can also add comments from the Android.
The "Barcode Scanner" app as a bar code reader, you can use your twitter app usually is to write to twitter (Twitroid, TwitteRide should work even other if twitter client can receive a checked. Message).