Yoga Positions for Android
Cette application de yoga est adapté à plusieurs niveaux : yoga débutant, yoga intermédiaire, yoga avancé et yoga experts.
vous pouvez aussi pérsonnaliser votre programme de postures yoga à partire des listes d'exercices.
Comme le hatha yoga, yogalife, pranayama, vinyasa yoga, yin yoga, yoga yin yang, asanas de yoga, ashtanga yoga, yoga core, power yoga, yoga Iyengar, yoga pants chive et baba Ramdev yoga.
Vous pouvez égalemement exircer le yoga with tim, yoga nature, yoga teacher training, yoga mat, yoga for beginners.
quelques bénifis de yoga :
Renforce les chevilles et les genoux, les hanches, le dos et les épaules.
Améliore fonctionnement des reins et des surrénales.
Développe la flexibilité des hanches.
Stimule le système nerveux.
Renforce et tonifie les muscles des cuisses et des abdominaux.
Développe la concentration, la coordination, l’équilibre et l’enracinement.
Quelques exemples de postures yoga :
Sarvangasana : La posture de la Chandelle
Ardha Uttanasana: Demi-flexion avant debout
Dhanurasana: La posture de l'Arc
Adho Mukha Svanasana : Posture du Chien tête en bas
Gomukhasana : la posture de la Tête de Vache
Halasana: La posture de la Charrue
Downward : Chien Face
Trikonasana : La posture du Triangle
Ardha Uttanasana : Demi-flexion avant debout
Gomukhasana : la posture de la Tête de Vache
Vrikshasana : La posture de l'Arbre
Dandayamana Dhanurasana: L’arc debout
Chakrasana: Posture du pont
Halasana: La posture de la Charrue
Ustrasana: Posture du chameau
Virabhadrâsana: les postures du Guerrier
Bow Pose
Sarvancasana: La posture de la Chandelle
Chakrasana: Posture du pont
Héron – Krounchasana
Halasana: La posture de la Charrue
Viparita Karani: La posture de la Demi-Chandelle
Ustrasana: Posture du chameau
This application is suitable yoga at several levels: beginner yoga, intermediate yoga advanced yoga and yoga experts.
You can also customize your yoga postures program partire lists of exercises.
As hatha yoga, yogalife, pranayama, yoga vinyasa, yin yoga, yoga yin yang, yoga asana, ashtanga yoga, yoga core, power yoga, Iyengar yoga, yoga pants and chive Baba Ramdev yoga.
You can Take also exircer yoga with tim, nature, yoga teacher training, yoga mat, yoga for beginners.
some yoga bénifis:
Strengthens the ankles and knees, hips, back and shoulders.
Improves kidney function and adrenal.
Develops flexible hips.
Stimulates the nervous system.
Strengthens and tones the thighs and abdominal muscles.
Develops concentration, coordination, balance and rooting.
Some examples of yoga postures:
Sarvangasana: The posture of the candle
Ardha Uttanasana: Half forward bending standing
Dhanurasana: The Arc of posture
Adho Mukha Svanasana: Position upside down Dog
Gomukhasana: posture of the Cow Head
Halasana: The posture of the Plough
Downward: Facing Dog
Trikonasana: The posture of the Triangle
Ardha Uttanasana: Half forward bending standing
Gomukhasana: posture of the Cow Head
Vrikshasana: The posture of the Tree
Dandayamana Dhanurasana: Bow standing
Chakrasana: Bridge Position
Halasana: The posture of the Plough
Ustrasana: Camel Pose
Virabhadrasana: the Warrior postures
Bow Pose
Sarvancasana: The posture of the candle
Chakrasana: Bridge Position
Heron - Krounchasana
Halasana: The posture of the Plough
Viparita Karani: The posture of the Half Chandelle
Ustrasana: Camel Pose