About 예스폼 좋은 인사말-특별한날,축하,위로,답례,문자인사말
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예스폼 좋은 인사말은 페이스북, 트위터, 카카오톡, 카카오스토리, 구글플러스, 문자보내기 등 모든 SNS으로 쉽고 간편하게 전달하실 수 있습니다.
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* 시즌 인사말
새해,설날,발렌타인데이,화이트데이,어린이날,석가탄신일,어버이날,스승의날,성년의날,부부의날,추석,빼빼로데이,크리스마스,송년, 기타시즌 인사말
* 축하 인사말
개업,결혼,결혼기념일,돌잔치,생일,수상/포상,승진,이사,입학,졸업,출산,취업,칠순/팔순,합격,기타 축하인사말
* 생활 인사말
감사,격려,병문안,사과,상견례,소감,안부,위로,응원,조위문,청혼,초대,칭찬, 기타 생활인사말
* 답례 인사말
결혼하객,돌잔치손님,병문안,조문객,칠순/팔순,기타 답례인사말
* 날씨 인사말
구름,눈,더위,맑음,바람,벼락,비,소나기,습기,안개,장마,지진,천둥번개,추위,태풍,화창,황사,흐림, 기타 날씨인사말
* 계절 인사말
가을,겨울,늦가을,늦겨울,봄,여름,초겨울,초봄,초여름,한겨울, 기타 계절인사말
* 월별 인사말
1월,2월,3월,4월,5월,6월,7월,8월,9월,10월,11월,12월, 기타 월별인사말
* 느낌 인사말
그리울때,기쁠때,나른할때,사랑할때,슬플때,심심할때,외로울때,우울할때,즐거울때,행복할때,힘들고지칠때, 기타 느낌인사말
* 요일 인사말
월요일,화요일,수요일,목요일,금요일,토요일,일요일, 기타 요일인사말
* 시간 인사말
밤,새벽,아침,오전,오후,저녁,점심, 기타 시간인사말
* 맺음말
건강/행복,계절,날씨,만남,부탁,성공,기타 맺음말
* 유의사항
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- 애플리케이션의 안전화를 위하여 지속적인 업데이트 관리를 부탁드립니다.
* 예스폼 좋은인사말 APP 고객센터
- 메일 : yesformapp@gmail.com
- 전화 : 1588-2390 ★ Say hi warm greetings to yeseupom good ~! ★
Yeseupom good greeting can be quickly and easily transferred to any SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, KakaoTalk, cacao story, Google Plus, texting.
Greetings good sample of the special day, celebrate greetings, greetings over, return greetings, ginyeomsa, speeches, sinnyeonsa, songnyeonsa, juryesa, barn, Inaugural Address, retiring four, announcements, welcome speech examples, etc. will be updated on a daily basis.
* Seasons Greetings
새해,설날,발렌타인데이,화이트데이,어린이날,석가탄신일,어버이날,스승의날,성년의날,부부의날,추석,빼빼로데이,크리스마스,송년, Other Seasons Greetings
* Congratulations Greeting
개업,결혼,결혼기념일,돌잔치,생일,수상/포상,승진,이사,입학,졸업,출산,취업,칠순/팔순,합격,기타 Congratulations Greeting
* Life Greeting
Thanks, encouragement, sympathy, apology, sanggyeonrye, comment, Regards, up, cheering, entertaining action, proposal, invitations, compliments, greeting other life
* Greeting return
Wedding guests, birthday party guests, sympathy, mourners, 70th / 80th, etc. In return greetings
* Weather Greetings
구름,눈,더위,맑음,바람,벼락,비,소나기,습기,안개,장마,지진,천둥번개,추위,태풍,화창,황사,흐림, Other Greeting Weather
* Season's Greetings
Fall, winter, late fall, late winter, spring, summer and early winter, early spring, early summer, the winter, other seasons greetings
* Monthly Message
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, and other monthly Greeting
* Feeling greeting
그리울때,기쁠때,나른할때,사랑할때,슬플때,심심할때,외로울때,우울할때,즐거울때,행복할때,힘들고지칠때, Others feel Greetings
* Day greeting
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and any other day of the week Greetings
* Time Greeting
Night, dawn, morning, morning, afternoon, evening, lunch and other hours greeting
* Conclusion
Health / happiness, season, weather, encounters, favor, success, etc. Conclusion
* Notice
- Although available in both Wi-Fi and 3G environment, if not unlimited plan can result in data charges.
- Thank you for your continuous update management for the stabilization of the application.
* Yeseupom good greeting APP Us
- Mail: yesformapp@gmail.com
- Tel: 1588-2390