About 復刻版計算尺
なお、計算は表示機器画面のピクセル単位で行われるため、計算精度は保証いたしかねます。 It is an application that reproduces the yesteryear of slide rule on the screen.
Movie is an important prop in "Nu wind us," "Apollo 13" and, it is that slide rule.
Based on the HEMMI's No.30 slide rule, you will be able to move the Namerashaku and cursor.
Namerashaku surface is A, B, C, CI, corresponding to the D scale, the back is A, S, L, T, corresponds to the D scale,
Product division and trigonometric functions, you can log calculation.
It should be noted that, since the calculation is performed in pixels of the display screen equipment, calculation accuracy is not guaranteed.