About Ring-MeMo
Ring-MeMo atan Ringkasan Medrec Mobile adalah aplikasi yang disediakan oleh Yakes Telkom sebagai fasilitas bagi pesertanya.
Fitur yang disediakan antara lain:
1. Lihat profil peserta
2. Lihat history medrec
a. Klinik umum
b. Klinik gigi
c, Klinik ibu&anak
d. Klinik KB
e. Restitusi
3. Lihat grafik MCU dan table MCU
4. Lihat grafik kesehatan
a. Tanda vital
- Berat Badan
- Sistole
- Diastole
- Mean Artery Pressure
- Denyut
- Suhu
b. Darah
- Hemoglobin
- Leukosit
- Trombosit
- Hematokrit
- Eritrosit
- Laju Endap Darah
c. Gula
- Gula Puasa
- Gula 2 Jam PP
- Gula HbA1C
d. Lemak
- Kolestrol
- Trigliserid
- Kolestrol HDL
- Kolestrol LDL
e. Ginjal
- Ureum
- Kreatinin
- Asam Urat
f. Hati
- Gamma GT
5. Catatan Khusus, yaitu catatan restitusi alat rehabilitasi, seperti kursi roda, kacamata, lensa, dsb.
6. Kondisi Khusus, yaitu daftar diagnosa penyakit kronis yang pernah diderita peserta
7. Alergi Obat, yaitu daftar alergi obat (generik)
8. Daftar jawaban rujukan yang belum dilaporkan kembali ke klinik
9. Berita, sebagai sarana berita, informasi dan pengumuman dari pihak Yakes Telkom ke pesertanya.
Manajemen Yakes Telkom Ring-MeMo atan Medrec Summary Mobile is an application provided by Yakes Telkom as a facility for participants.
Features provided include:
1. The profile of participants
2. See history medrec
a. public clinics
b. Dental clinic
c, Mother & Child Clinic
d. birth Control
e. Restitution
3. See graph and table MCU MCU
4. See graph health
a. vital signs
- Weight
- systole
- Diastole
- Mean Artery Pressure
- pulse
- temperature
b. Blood
- Hemoglobin
- Leukocytes
- Platelets
- Hematocrit
- erythrocytes
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
c. Sugar
- Sugar Fasting
- Sugar 2 Hours PP
- Sugar HbA1C
d. Fat
- cholesterol
- triglycerides
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
e. Kidney
- urea
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
f. Heart
- Gamma GT
5. Special Notes, namely restitution records rehabilitation tool, such as wheelchairs, eyeglasses, lenses, etc.
6. Special Conditions, the list of chronic disease diagnosis had suffered participants
7. Drug Allergy, ie the list of drug allergies (generic)
8. A list of references answers that have not reported back to the clinic
9. News, as a means of news, information and announcements from the Yakes Telkom to participants.
Yakes Management Telkom
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Yakes masuk dunia mobile, terobosan canggih, meningkatkan pelayanan, oke banget