About SMSBlocker network - we safe.
You're on Android 3 or 4.
You are a victim of spam messages (ads, mobile phone numbers, real estate ...)?
You can protect your self and other with ShieldNet.
You have to use the SMS service of the Call Blocking Blocking or network but still disturbed by:
- The number of restricted blocked if purchased monthly fee, then the subscriber is allowed to block, add the extra cost.
- Only 5 blocks in the limited number of blocked private service charge per month. If not bear an additional fee, users still get the message because the number of SPAM more than 5 of the original definition.
- The number of subscribers of spam are constantly changing.
- No blocking according to the message content.
- The sample Spam messages are varied, Metamorphosis.
This is when you need to ShieldNet, application intelligent blocking spam messages and are in communication with the community to block spam.
ShieldNet built by the experts of Information Technology and Telecommunications experienced in Vietnam to help the mobile users with Android phones can solve completely the problem mentioned above for myself, for everyone people, and completely free.
ShieldNet supports block mode message: Block the message sent from outside contacts, blocking of information within the meaning of bad, bad content of users, Block whole message (freezes the phone, do not receive any message , from anywhere)
Especially, ShieldNet support all modes listed above for the conversations.
Not only that, but when a message marked as SPAM advertisement, ShieldNet automatically identify and warn the user, if it is confirmed the bad news, the post will automatically be added to the block list to not bothered about later. This is a feature that can not be obtained by a solution based on the OCS.
Users can contribute to protect the community, by sharing information on bad, bad stuff. This information will be stored centrally ear chantinrac.vn to share to other users using ShieldNet. This is the outstanding strengths of ShieldNet, help create a community of mutual protection service and not just one individual. Thanks to the ability to share information with each other, the Shield will form a network, ie ShieldNet, very effective. While some shared bad for others, this number will not be bad for their message again. See pictures below to understand more details.
by S####:
Good :)