About MakeEBook
The software supports production of books.
You can create JPG, TXT and UMD format books to sdcard. use google's tessacter ocr lib,It can recognize photograph to text.
Supports more than 30 languages, such as Chinese, English, Italian, French, Jananese.....
《制作电子书》软件提供TXT, JPG, UMD格式电子书的制作。
通过拍照,图像识别成文字(Google tesseract-ocr识别引擎)等方式,将照片制作成式为umd, jpg. 通过输入文字,或图像识别成文本可制作成txt格式的电子书,并存储在SD卡上。现支持:中,英,俄,日等三十余种文字识别(识别库需下载)。
by X####:
Great work, love the free-form selection, The black & white, trim, perfect trace, etc. Recognized 高拉力牙线棒 perfectly first time