About R2C Bali
R2C adalah komunitas atau perkumpulan olahraga (riyadhoh) dan rekreasi (rihlah), lintas profesi yang mencintai alam untuk membangun hidup sehat. Baik sehat jasmani dan rohani maupun sehat secara sosial.
“Sehat Jiwa dan Raga, Amal Semakin Nyata”.
Bahwa untuk beramal sholeh dibutuhkan pribadi yang sehat baik jiwa dan raga. R2C is a community or sports association (riyadhoh) and recreation (rihlah), cross-profession who loves nature to build a healthy life. Both physically and mentally healthy and socially healthy.
"Healthy Soul and Body, Charity The Real".
That the pious charity needed for healthy personal good body and soul.
by K####:
Its very a amazing community of sport and health in Bali. It can be recommended to visitors to joint this community. Good luck... Bravo R2C..!!!