Radio Indonesia for Android
Overall is good and working fine... Cuma kalo bisa nama radionya diurut berdasarkan alfabet. Jadi lebih gampang nyari buat yang mau scroll down. Oia, sama secara periodik dicek beberapa channel radio yang 'kedobel' di listnya... Thx for the good app.
Ada aplikasi ini bisa ngobatin kangen dengerin radio d bandung...apalagi stiap hari malam jumat bisa mendengarkan ardan nightmare
This app creates a good "first time" experience for me coz its easy to use interface. Clean design with no too hazy menu. You guys worth 4 out of 5 stars keep up the good work yes!
Suka putus-putus sendiri koneksi radionya, udah kayak ababil. Tapi interface nya jempol, simpel dan menarik
Iklannya rese, jedah iklanya terlalu cepat dan banyak. Tambah radio manual nya gk bisa langsung.
You never feel the sensations like this...!!! But.. please check the memory usage of this app.. sometimes it's take a huge
I like it! High quality sound and very easy to operate. But why i cannot physically download the song? If i could download, i wouldve given 5 star.
tampilan sederhana sehingga enak do lihat. paling masalah bug bug doing yang masih ada
I am looking for streaming radio, so i need no headset to listen to it. Simple interface, user-friendly, easy to use.. there u go, 5 stars..
Aplikasi radio yg sangat easy to use, user interface nya asik, stasiun radio nya juga banyak. Kekurangannya yg paling bikin bete adalah seringnya hilang koneksi padahal tidak ada masalah dengan sinyal.
Good app, but always disconnected after i received phone calls. Would be awesome if i dont have to restart the app after i finish my calls
One thing that annoying is the ads
A good option buat alternative dengerin musik di motor angkutan umum, terutama pas macet atau sendirian di rumah. Keep up the good work guys!
Kadang sering pause sendiri pas di mobil pakai google map,. bagus banget klo bisa recording sambil play
Mudah penggunaan dan banyak toolsnya. Akan jauh lebih baik lagi jika tidak ada iklannya. Hehehehe. Spertinya tidak mungkin karna ada sponsornya ya... Thanks.
Connection is so bad..sering ilang koneksi padahal jaringan lg ok. Iklan nya suka bikin bete. Terlalu sering muncul iklan ya
Well I like this apps so much for android, but I try to get for an iPhone and I couldn't download, hopefully will get better for any phone's
I will give 5 stars if this app can fix this error, thanks.
Sempet freeze terus langsung restart. Coba perbaiki masalahnya. Selain masalah ini sih baik2 saja.
Helps me through the boredom. Thanks
Aplikasinya sudah bagus, easy to use. Tapi saran saya alangkah lebih bagus lagi jika chanelnya bisa dibagi per regional. Dan juga bisa mengakses radio luar negeri.
Love this app, smooth for streaming, although sometimes had a bad signal. But I enjoy used it!
hasnt crashed yet.
Komplit dan cukup mudah utk mendengarkan siaran radio favourite. Thanks Online Radio
Such a favorit song with laughing me time deh pokoke
Boleh juga ni app..ngilangin suntuk + stress klo lg ngantor
So far so good, but should be more updated with all the recent stations rising up
Inget nightmare pas dlu kuliah, nostalgia hhe
Lumayan ga perlu ribet cari stasiun radio indonesia cukup pake aplikasi ini aja dah lengkap
Awalnya doang ok begitu selanjutnya bufferingnya lamaaa
Quiet good but some time is missing voice, and better if can be defined base on category such as islamic radio, pop, jazz etc.
Maturnuwun kanggo bapake sing gawe aplikasi niki kulo nyambut gawe ning timur tengah kepireng jelas...Alhamdulillah
This application is lightly not consume a lot of bandwidth, stable(no lag or frequent disconnect), and consisted of tons of Indonesian Radio(include description of each of them). Very recommended app what i always open every day.
Nice and simple interface, I would like to buy the pro version if you add RECORDING feature and ads free.
Thanks for developing such an app,I can listen to my fav channel everywhere.
Kurang timer aja. Supaya bisa set brp lama kita pengen nyalakan radionya.
Bisa dengerin radio pas kena macet biar gak bete2an..
Arab, paris, thailand, singapura..tgl connect wifi lancar deh dengerin'y..
I'll give 5 stars if you put less ad on it..
by T####:
Aplikasinya saya sangat suka, simple,user interface yg bagus dan mudah digunakan. Kalo bisa di tambahi pencarian per wilayah dan juga menu untuk record pasti tambah bagus lagi.