Canada Jobs Search for Android
If the job posting can show if it's a part time or full time job (refer seek app), it'd be just amazing
This is reliable app for canadian job search. You can search easily among of many job search engines.
Freezes all the time Samsung galaxy s5
You need to do an upgrade...working in canada has changed and there is a few glitches in the others
appreciative apps imparting with various jobs opportunity
Great thanks
Its just east of time
Doesn't do anything but give you a slower connection to all the sites you can already use qnd make none of the apply buttons work. Good job service Canada still building apps and websites with 2004 technology maybe you should hire someone to update your stuff properly
Workopolis stopped working a few weeks ago, and I'd like a place to store resumes/cover letters. It's been really a really useful tool during my current job search.
Glitches out once and a while and I have to restart my phone, but a good app.
This is reliable app for canadian job search. You can search easily among of many job search engines.
Excellently compiles the most popular job-search websites into one app. What more could you want?
By brahms
Algebra and calculus
04 a. 6th.
appreciative apps imparting with various jobs opportunity
Very good
Good app
Good luck
Job search app needs more downloads
This is reliable app for canadian job search. You can search easily among of many job search engines.
A lot of issues fixed, tnks
Bad v bad application
time waste
'Workopolis' -> "resource not found in application". Garbage
Great concept. Poor execution.
Any jobs
Nice app
Very nise
Too busy
Since upgrade to lolipop on galexy S5 this app doesn't work every time. Loved it before (kitkat)
Id like to know how I can contact ghe developer regarding questions. I can't apply to jobs listed, only browse.
Verry good aps job
Its just east of time
by Q####:
I pressed apply now to view orig posting and got congratulations you applied. I don't know what was sent I can't locate a profile page to enter personal info. There isn't a page to show what you have applied for Could be great app but for several gremlins running around blocking access and no info page.