About 礼拜助手
一款很小但很实用的免费软件,能够通过使用者的位置和日期精准计算出当天及之后六天的礼拜时间,提供6种算法选择,提前五分钟以手机震动方式提醒用户进行礼拜,方便穆斯林尤其是旅行中的穆斯林群众进行礼拜。同时提供朝觐知识及各省朝觐报名入口,为穆斯林群众进行朝觐功课提供方便。 Sunday assistants through the user's location and date to calculate the day and after six days of prayer time, six kinds of algorithms to provide choices to phone vibrating reminder of Muslim worship, additional Hajj pilgrimage registration matters and columns, to facilitate Muslim worship and pilgrimage.
A small but very useful free software, through the user's location and date to calculate the precise day and time, after six days of the week, offers six kinds of algorithm selection, five minutes ahead of time to phone vibrate way to remind users to worship, to facilitate Muslims, especially Muslim masses travel worship. While providing Hajj pilgrimage registration entrance knowledge and provinces, Muslims make pilgrimage homework for convenience.