VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian

VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian Free App

Rated 4.30/5 (81) —  Free Android application by WithAngelBro

About VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian

Looking for vegetarian celebrities? Famous veggie quotes or video of your favorite vegans star?
VegPeople is the app for you!

Veg People is an app to know how many famous people are vegetarians or vegans. It's an app to respond with concrete examples of the classic questions that many people arise to vegetarians or vegans.
In particular, each time we are told:
Without eating meat is impossible to make physical activity!
Show them the athletes present, in particular Carl Lewis or Dave Scott, Brendan Brazier and Ruth Heidric, winners of Ironman, the most grueling competitions of strength!
vegetarians or vegans are all skinny and ugly!
Show them all the actors and models, including Brad Pitt, Kim Basinger, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gwyneth Paltrow and Natalie Portman, to name a few!
If you have to study you need animal protein and fish.
Show them geniuses like Leonardo DaVinci, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Margherita Hack, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and all the Nobel laureates present.
You can not live without eating meat and fish!
Browse the whole database made with more than 400 celebrity!

Diet based on plant foods is ethical because it respects animals, it is environmentally friendly because it respects the environment, healthy because it respects the health, well-being of your body and your mind.
A vegetarian or vegan diet prevents many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia and Parkinson's.

A Veg*n choice is cruelty free, anti speciesism and in favor of the animal rigths.

Go veg, go VegPeople!!!

How to Download / Install

Download and install VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian version 3.1.1 on your Android device!
APK Size: 3.7 MB, downloaded 5,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package:, download VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
Ver. 3.1
Version update VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian was updated to version 3.1.1
Version update VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian was updated to version 2.3.3
Version update VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian was updated to version 2.2.7
More downloads  VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads

What are users saying about VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian

by T####:

There are a few famous people you don't have listed

by T####:

Cheap layout , too many adds.

by D####:

Love the app but it would be so cool if there was a way for ppl to share fave recipies.

by T####:

However there are a few mistakes or the list needs up dated.

by I####:

Great compassion develops from great acts like going vegan. Vegans are the gods of the modern times.Beat that.

by K####:

Go veg*n People!

by U####:

Not bad However there are a few mistakes or the list needs up dated.

by A####:

Sugjestion Love the app but it would be so cool if there was a way for ppl to share fave recipies.

by K####:

Peace Great compassion develops from great acts like going vegan. Vegans are the gods of the modern times.Beat that.

by K####:

Wonderful app, I love it. Go veg*n People!

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81 users







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