About vlrPhone
vlrPhone is an app based on PJSIP and CSipSimple (for the Android version), whose goal is to promote, in the future versions, a new voice codec (audio compression and decompression method for the voice).
This codec is based on FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and the local peaks.
This codec is characterized by its efficiency (high compression), its simplicity (few calculations) and its robustness (no recovery of frames).
It will allow low battery consumption (VLC, Very Low Consumption, yellow button) and emissions of audio frames limited to the strict minimum, so the electro-magnetic radiations will be minimized (VLR, Very Low Radiation, green button).
More details can be found on the website of the app, at the following address:
For now, the app behaves as a normal softphone (white, yellow and green buttons).