港醫杏林聯網 HKDOCTOR Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by 中華數據 China Data Enterprise


About 港醫杏林聯網 HKDOCTOR


港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 使用條款

為保障您的權益,請於使用港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net (註一)(以下稱本網)服務(以下稱本服務)前,詳細閱覽以下規定。


港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 的立場及聲明

若本服務或資訊,在任何情形下,對使用者造成財產的、身體的、心理的、名譽的、法律的、或其他的損失或傷害,港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 及它的負責人、經理人、職員、擁有人、代理人、繼承人或維護人員,均不必負任何責任。

港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 不對任何本網 (http://www.hkdoctor.net ) 上的消息、觀點、意見、建議、價格與交易資訊負任何的責任,除此之外,本網站也不必對會員所發表的任何言論或資訊負責。本網不對任何經由連結出去的網站、 資料庫、電子佈告欄、FTP、或任何網路上的節點內,所提供的消息、建議、意見、觀點、或任何資訊負責。本網不對任何直接或間接連接到本網站的電腦、通訊 設備、網路、或任何軟硬體及資料的損害、遺失、及故障負任何的責任。





(1) 內容的使用導致或可能導致侵犯港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net或任何第三方的任何版權、商標、專利,或其他知識財產權利。

(2) 使用包括任何第三方的商業秘密或任何其他保密資料,或可能包括上述商業秘密或保密資料的內容。

(3) 內容的使用中傷、侮辱或誹謗,或可能中傷、侮辱或誹謗港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 或任何第三方。

(4) 內容的使用侵犯或可能侵犯任何第三方的私隱權和公開權。

(5) 內容的使用侵犯或可能侵犯港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 或任何第三方的任何所有權權利。

(6) 內容的使用對港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net ,或任何第三方造成或可能造成任何損害、危害或不利。

(7) 內容的使用違反或可能違反公眾秩序及道德標準。

(8) 內容的使用被視為刑事作為,或導致或可能導致刑事作為。

(9) 使用內容用於上載載有,或可能載有,可能損壞港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net,或任何第三方的電腦的電腦病毒、損壞的檔案。

(10) 內容的使用違反,或可能違反任何適用法律、命令和/或規例。

(11) 內容的使用干擾,或可能干擾任何第三方使用和享受可在本網站得到的任何服務。

(12) 本網視為不適當的內容使用(如用作重複刊登或發放非索要訊息)。


你必須年滿13歲,方可使用可在本服務。倘若你未滿13歲,你不可進入或使用可在本網站得到的任何服務,但下列情況除外:(i) 你已獲得你的父母、法定監護人、繼承人或替代人(統稱「監護人」)的事先准許,或 (ii) 你的監護人一直對你的網上活動和興趣進行督導。






除 了法例所需以外,本網不會將會員的個人資料,在沒有該會員的批准下,向第三者透露。在目前互聯網之情況下,並不能保障相聯網與會員之間的溝通,例如密碼或 電郵等,能做到絕對安全。因此相聯網鼓勵會員經常轉換密碼。我們將根據我們的私隱政策保護你的個人資訊,包括姓名、電郵地址與通信地址。


你同意免除及放棄你及你未滿13歲的子女、受讓人和繼承人,就指稱因本網站,或你使用本網引起的任何損失、傷害或損害(包括你因觀看、上載或下載影集中的內容而受的任何損失、傷害或損害),而對港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 及以上提及的相關聯人士和實體提起訴訟的權利。


本 網保留權利,就違反本使用條款或任何適用法律;或在本網視為適當時,隨時終止你進入本網站,而不給予通知和理由。本網可隨時停止其透過本網站提供的服務, 而不給予通知和理由。你不能就上述終止使用或停止服務對本網提出申索。你同意你刊登在影集的任何內容或數據,可由本網全權酌情決定在本網站終止時移除或清 除。任何一方終止(本網站的用戶或本網終止)時,你同意銷毀從本網站取得的一切材料和內容(你的內容除外)。


港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 保留權利,按其完全酌情決定,不時更改、修改、增加或刪除本使用條款的任何條款及條件。你使用本網站得到的任何服務,須受使用時最新版本的港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 使用條款所管轄。你須負責定期審閱本使用條款及刊登在本網站上的其他條款。如果你發現本使用條款內的任何經修訂條款在某方面你不能接受,你可以選擇停止使用本網站。


港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 可無須通知你,而轉讓其在本使用條款下的任何權利和責任。如果本使用條款的任何部分在任何方面,成為違法、無效或不可執行,本使用條款其餘部分的合法性、有效性和可執行性不應受到影響或損害。



(註一: 港醫杏林聯網 hkdoctor.net 乃 CHINA DATA ENTERPRISES LIMITED.下之互聯網業務) Terms of use

Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net Terms of Use

To protect your rights, please use the Hong Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net (Note 1) (hereinafter referred to as Ben) Service (hereinafter referred to as the Service) before reading the following detailed rules.

Using the Service, you agree to abide by all of the following requirements.

Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net positions and statements

If this service or information under any circumstances, cause the user property, physical, psychological, reputation, legal, or other loss or damage, the Hong Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net and its leader, managers, employees, owners, agents, successors, or maintenance personnel, all without having to bear any responsibility.

Kong Medical Xinglin Ben networking hkdoctor.net liable for any message (http://www.hkdoctor.net) on any responsibility for the views, comments, suggestions, negative price and trading information, in addition, this site also do not have to Any comments or information on the members responsible for the publication. Ben liable for any message via the link out website of the database, electronic bulletin boards, FTP, or any node on the network, to offer, suggestions, comments, ideas, or responsible for any information. Ben liable for any damages of any hardware and software and indirectly connected to this website's computers, communications equipment, network or directly, or data, loss, and any negative fault liability.

Users, members of responsibility and authority

Users, members have a responsibility to abide by the Terms of Service and other applicable rules of the network you're connected to violate any of these rules will constitute phase networking cancel or suspend service of the reasons members of the user.

Illegal use

You can not put the contents of this site, for any unlawful or illegal purposes. In particular, you shall not provide, publish, view, transmit, reproduce or distribute any content to make the following use.

(1) The use of the content causes or may lead to violations Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net nor any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights of third parties.

(2) include any third-party trade secrets or any other confidential information, or may include the above-mentioned trade secrets or confidential information.

(3) The use of slander, insult or slander, or may be libelous, insulting or defamatory Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net or any third party.

Use (4) The violations or possible violations of the privacy rights of any third party and public rights.

Use (5) The violations or possible violations Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net or any proprietary rights of any third party.

(6) The use of the content of the Hong Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net, or any third party caused or could cause any damage, harm or adverse.

Use (7) The violation or potential violation of public order and moral standards.

(8) content is considered a criminal act, or causing or likely to cause criminal act.

(9) to use the content for uploading contain, or may contain, may damage Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net, or any third party computer computer viruses, corrupted files.

(10) uses the content violation, or potential violation of any applicable laws, orders and / or regulations.

(11) The use of interference, or may interfere with any third party's use and enjoyment of any services obtained on this website.

(12) Ben content deemed inappropriate use (such as for issuing duplicate publication or non-request message).

Age requirements

You must be at least 13 years old before using this service. If you are under 13 years old, you can not enter or use any of the services available at this site obtained, except in the following circumstances: (i) you have to get your parents, legal guardians, heirs, or the replacement (collectively, the "Guardian") of prior permission, or (ii) has been your guardian for your online activities and interests for supervision.

Registration Information

Registration services, you must complete the service registration form and provide true, accurate and relevant personal details.

Regularly update your registration data to ensure that the information you provide is most true, accurate and complete.

If you provide false, inaccurate or incomplete information, this site has the right to suspend or terminate the service, and even refused to apply for the service at a later date.

Personal Privacy Policy

In addition to the necessary legislation, this site will not profile of, in the absence of the member's approval to disclose to a third party. In the present case of the Internet, and can not guarantee communication with networking between members, such as passwords or e-mail, etc., to be absolutely safe. Therefore encourages Member frequent change of phase network password. We will protect your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy, including their name, email address and postal address.

Give up

You agree to indemnify and abandon you and your children under 13 years of age, assigns and successors, alleged any loss, injury or damage resulting from this website, or you use this site (INCLUDING because you watch, upload or download videos any loss of content and subject focused, injury or damage), and the right to bring proceedings against persons associated Kong Medical Xinglin hkdoctor.net and networking and entities mentioned above.


The Site reserves the right to violate these Terms of Use or any applicable law; or when deemed appropriate at this site, at any time terminate your access to the Site, without giving notice and reasons. Ben may discontinue its services through this website, without giving notice and reasons. You can not use such termination or stop service to make a claim on this site. You agree that you publish content or data in any album, by Ben sole discretion to remove or cleared when the termination of this website. Terminated by either party (user or terminate this site this site), you agree to destroy all materials and content obtained from this website (except for your content).


Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net reserves the right, its sole discretion, to change from time to time, modify, add or delete terms of use of any of the terms and conditions. Do you use any services of this website obtained, when subject to the latest version of the Hong Kong Medical Xinglin networking terms hkdoctor.net using the jurisdiction. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Use and posted on this site other provisions. If you find any amended terms of the Terms of Use in certain areas you can not accept, you can choose to stop using the website.

Other provisions

Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net may, without notice to you, and transfer any of its rights and obligations under these Terms of Use. If any part of these Terms of Use in any way, become illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms of Use legality, validity and enforceability shall not be affected or impaired.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use regulated by the laws of Hong Kong, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Due to lead these Terms of Use, or any claim or matter relating to this Terms of Use, and you agree to accept the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

(Note 1: Kong Medical Xinglin networking hkdoctor.net CHINA DATA ENTERPRISES LIMITED is under Internet business.)

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.whkdoctor, download 港醫杏林聯網 HKDOCTOR.apk

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