About Well Balanced Meal
WellBalancedMeal provides nutritional analysis, meal planning, and food journalling, for everybody. Plan a weight loss diet, plan a maintenance diet, watch your sodium intake, monitor the nutrients you care about. Browse your food library, add labeled food items, create recipes, meals, and full day meal plans. Keep track of your eating in your daily food journal. All with complete nutritional information.
Your personal nutritional profile is used to display nutrient summaries throughout the application. Customize your profile to help track your daily intake. Balance your calorie, carbohydrate, protein and fat intake with the simple macro nutrient balancer. The nutrients in the profile are based on the same nutrients and daily intake values that are used for food labels in the United States and Canada. Your daily intake values can be customized to meet your needs.
Connect securely with other users to share your recipes, meals, and meal plans.
Your data is private, stored securely on our servers, and synchronized across all your devices. Sign in with your existing Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or Microsoft account, or create a new account using any existing email address.
WellBalancedMeal supports Google Fit.
This free version of the application is advertising supported. A small banner ad is displayed at the bottom of the screen.