About 亚森罗宾探案全集
《亚森·罗宾探案全集》是继《福尔摩斯探案全集》之后又一部风靡世界的侦探小说集。该书从20世纪初陆续出版以来,至今畅销不衰,不仅在法国家喻户晓,而且在许多国家翻译出版,深受广大读者喜爱。料事如神的大侦探福尔摩斯的形象,在我国广大读者特别是青少年读者中已不陌生。他那渊博的知识,超人的智慧,异乎寻常的观察、思维和判断能力以及高超的侦破才能,都给人们留下了深刻的印象。然而,对法国著名侦探小说作家莫里士·卢布朗(生前曾荣获法国政府小说写作勋章)笔下的亚森·罗宾这位兼具“怪盗”和大侦探的双料传奇人物,我国的读者却还不够熟悉。事实上,亚森·罗宾不仅是一位可与福尔摩斯齐名的神探,而且还是一位具有强烈的正义感和同情心的“侠盗”。他疾恶如仇,盔富济贫,令为富不仁的伪善之辈闻风丧胆;他风流倜傥,彬彬有礼,以侠义慷慨的行动,为贫苦大众,特别是为妇女儿童排忧解难。因此,那些有权有势、为非作歹的恶势力,把他看作骇人的恶魔;而广大善良的平民百姓,则把他视为正义的化身。以亚森·罗宾的侠盗和神探两条主线展开的一系列故事,布局谲异,结构奇特,情节曲折. "Sen Robin Holmes Collection" is the second "Sherlock Holmes Collection" followed by a world famous detective stories. From the book have been published since the early 1900s, has sold briskly, not only a household name in France, but also translated and published in many countries, loved by readers. Liaoshirushen of Sherlock Holmes's image, especially in our readers has been no stranger to young readers. His profound knowledge, superhuman wisdom, unusual observation, thinking and judgment as well as the detection of superb talent, gave the people left a deep impression. However, the famous French detective fiction writer Mo Lishi · Leblanc (who had been awarded the Medal of the French Government novel writing) pen Sen Robin who both "Kaito" and a large double legendary detective, but our readers also not familiar with. In fact, Sen Robin is not only a par with the detective Sherlock Holmes, but also one with a strong sense of justice and compassion, "Grand Theft Auto." His abhorrence of evil, helmet rich to the poor, so rich and cruel hypocrisy of the generation afraid; his suave, polite, chivalrous generosity in action for the underprivileged, especially for women and children to solve problems. Thus, those of powerful, evil outlaw, he is considered as terrifying demons; while the majority of the good civilians, put him as the embodiment of justice. In Sen Robin's two main lines of Grand Theft Auto and launched a series of detective stories, layout deceitful different, peculiar structure, plot twists and turns.
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