Faculdade Sumaré for Android
Na Faculdade Sumaré você encontra Cursos Presencias, reconhecidos pelo MEC e com Horários Diferenciados que valorizam o seu tempo.
Para a Sumaré, não basta que você entre na faculdade, e sim, que permaneça até a conclusão de seu sonho.
Para isso, a Sumaré oferece três opções de plano de pagamento, assim você escolhe o tempo do seu desconto.
Só a Sumaré tem Unidades em todas as Regiões de São Paulo, escolha uma de nossas 11 Unidades e vem pra Sumaré.
Consulte todas as vantagens de estudar na Sumaré.
Vestibular 2017.
Aiming for excellence in education, the School Sumaré is committed to education directed to the construction of knowledge and cultural diffusion, a critical perspective that presupposes ethical values and promote citizenship. The Company also believes the training of professionals, as well as humanistic and global vision, present competencies and skills necessary for professional performance in a demanding labor market, rapidly changing, which requires knowledge of both the technical area as the scientific area.The Faculty Sumaré you find Presencias courses, recognized by MEC and Tiered times that value their time.
For Sumaré, not enough that you enter the college, and yes, to remain until the completion of his dream.
For this, the Sumaré offers three payment plan options, so you choose the time of your discount.
Only Sumaré has units in all regions of São Paulo, choose one of our 11 units and comes to Sumare.
See all the advantages of studying in Sumaré.
Vestibular 2017.