MovPlex for Android
App nya bagus, penjelasannya lengkap dari jam sampe perbedaan harga di hari tertentu, link review, main di theater apa, dll. Tinggal bisa mesen tiket lewat sini bintang 5 deh. UPDATE: UI yg baru bagus, jauh lebih mudah navigasinya! Terimakasih sudah mendengar keluhan customer! Bintang 5 untk customer service!
Everything looks good and so far enjoying the layout design is sleek and stylish.... My only question, is there any English language option because most writings/descriptions are in another language.
I've been using movplex since august 2012 and join them in sept 2012. It's not only show us the schedule, but also we can write the review. That's totally different from other cinema's apps, here we can know what's worth to watch movie before going to the cinema. I love it, movplex is great
I click to play the film....i click YouTube because i don't want no virus from the internet and all it gives me is a crappy clip!!! DONT WASTE YA TIME
Design UI keren, jd gk perlu buka situs bioskop lg :)) Cm awalnya agak bingung cara liat jadwal movie di suatu bioskop, trnyata "diumpetin" d menu samping +.+
Mantab sekali! Baik dr sisi desain, transisi & fitur... Tambahkan fitur2 mtix/ticketing (21,XXI,blitz) dgn save-secured credit/balance, reminder (movie feed,coming soon,ticketing,etc), share & discus (email,socialMed,etc).. Keep up Ur good works devs! Performance & fitur harus tetap no.1! 1 lg tmbhkan iMDB rating u/ reviews international-nya dsmping reviews lokal.... Thx..
Bagi yg suka nonton bioskop, aplikasi ini wajib punya, movplex komplit. film yg lg tayang, jam tayang, sinopsis bahkan review buat film yg mau kita nonton bagus atau gaknya bisa kita cari tau disini, dan up to date trus koq..
asli..keren gan, ane suka theme darknya and menu samping, awalnya agak membingungkan, manteb lagi kalo ada menu dari tombol option gan..udah biasa soalnya. saran aja: -now playing ama coming soon, defaultnya mode thumbnail, udah ane ubah ke mode list, tp pas masuk app lagi balik lagi ke defaultnya (thumbnail). so kalo bisa ada simpenan utk preference yg kita mau. -reminder utk movie coming soon kalo udah tayang di theatre yg kita pilih. -reminder or add to calendar, misal kita pilih mau nonton movie tgl sekian yang jam sekian. itu aja dulu gan...emang enak bgt yah user, tinggal minta maunya apa...hehe.. thx udh bikin app ini gan, parah dah yg punya cineplex malah cuma bikin shortcutnya doang.. regards, deppe.
Perfect dah ni aplikasi, mungkin bisa ditambah deteksi kota otomatis menggunakan GPS jadi gak perlu ganti kota manual. More than better.
It won't open (crashes) when internet connection is bad
Min itu yg favorite theater nya di buat seluruh indonesia aja jangan perdaerah, jadi biar gampang kalo ke mana mana liat film nya.
Very appreciate with the reviewer.. so no need to wasting time and Money for watching bad movie.
Karena namanya ada P besar, jadi susah di search. Mungkin lebih baik P nya dikecilin hehe (mumpung maintenance, sekalian diedit). Thx
aspects of the social experience from this application has not been fully explored. you must consider to redesign the UI navigation.
Keren nih app.. Tampilannya bagus, navigasinya mudah, schedule lengkap n update.. Ini all in one schedule deh.. Top! Ada 10 bintang ane kasi semua deh! Haha Oya gan.. Bagus lagi kalo bisa beli ticket buat yang blitz.. Mantap tuh..
I rated this 1 star only cause when you go to register an account it tells you to pick a city and its blank how can you do that when its blank :/ someone really needs to fix this problem soon cause all you really need to do is have a box and you type your city in no offence i really think this was over thought when this app was made
Pas dibuka di Samsung Galaxy E5 saya yang OS-nya Android Lollipop, gak ada tampilan apa- apa dan last update nya 9 Juni 2012, tapi pas dibuka di HP Samsung Galaxy V yg masih OS Android Kitkat berfungsi normal. Please fix it!
Berguna banget, tapi itu kenapa di metropole film killing season keluar terus ya? Dan kalo di klik langsung force stop
Blh tolong tambahkan rating imdb atau rotten tomatoes nya, dan masukkan harga2 tiket di tiap teater, sy tidak tahu apakah ini hanya di hp saya atau tidak, tapi sy tidak bsa melihat harganya. Jadi itu saja, terimakasih
Kenapa ngak showtime film nya dikasih option untuk kasih liat yang dari my theaters yang udah dipilih aja?
Maaf yg movplex hd 2 kok gak ada ya ? Kayaknya lebih keren itu , jdi pengen download tpi gak ada , jdi bingung -_-
asli aplikasi lokal plg keren yg pernah gw DL, informatif, lengkap plus tampilannya bagus. thumbs up bt team warcod
Udah gak update lagi ya min? Versi terbaru dijadwal kan akhir 2014.. kira2 kapan min? Movplex the best movie app schedule!!
Aplikasi yg satu ini ga pernah update lagi dr tahun nov 2012. Tapi yaaahhh, bgtu lah. Super Sekali....
It would be much better if there's an option to tell us if the upcoming movie we want to watch is now playing
Been using this app for a long time both in BlackBerry 10 and Android. It is used to be updated often, but I guess the dev is kinda on something else right now. Hopefully there will be more features soon. Like being able to edit our comment or even make a chat room in the app for people to discuss the movies.
Ini apps gila,lengkap banget dari tempat bioskop,harga,sampe filmnya.tampilannya juga simple gak ribet.jempol rate 5
Applikasi yg bagus, tp berharap ada kerjasama dengan XXI untuk booking ticket online.
What's wrong??? Used to be a very trustworthy app if i want to see upcoming movies, but now cannot refreshed anymore. I'm seeing the now playing schedules for 3 days ago! Also, please add cinemaxx schedule please.
It's already been about half years from the last update and the result is not update in the movie list, the list that displayed were differ from the theater . So please at least fix it. Fyi, I'm from batam ty.
If this can be done, that would be awesome. I hate to see the fact just to pick place to watch, either Jakarta or Bekasi, I have to switch city first.
Great UI .. Good job dev .lebih bagus kalo bisa nyambung/share ke fb
Ini aplikasi bagus tapi gabisa dibuka mah sama aja. Langsung crash pas dibuka!
Maaf yg movplex hd 2 kok gak ada ya ? Kayaknya lebih keren itu , jdi pengen download tpi gak ada , jdi bingung -_-
Interface baru nya keren, sayang gak ada fungsi slide nya buat buka left bar... Slide to open menu in next versions will be great function. :)
Bekerja dengan sangat baik di galaxy tab 7+. Semoga ada reservasi online kedepannya.
It is a good app for searching a movie schedule in Indonesia indeed. Good app ui and an always up-to-date movie schedule.
Will give 5 star if can view thriller like nokia trailers in my windows phone
Keren. Ilang gegara ganti hp. Sempet lupa namanya, akhirnya ketemu lagi. Sorry nggak biasa ngasih 5 star.
by T####:
Thank you very much for your excellent product! You are doing great service to cinema fans, and also as a freelance Indonesian developer who can put the Cinema21 app to shame. Thank you again also for your spirit, which shines through your work n words.