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Dari persfektif umum Urbanisme, u3news memaknai “ U” merupakan asal kata dari URBAN, yang ber-arti berkenaan dengan kota, sehingga Informasi yang kami sajikan adalah informasi perkotaan, sikap dan cara hidup masyarakat moderen (urban Style) dengan mengkombinasikan berita-berita pedesaan seperti warta desa, sedangkan angka 3 merupakan angka yang memiliki makna kebesaran Tuhan, namun mengandung tiga hal utama yang disajikan yakni seputar kehidupan masyarakat kota yaitu; Politik, Hukum dan Ekonomi.
Makna warna biru, kuning dan merah pada huruf UN yang tertera pada Logo memiliki arti Secara special yaitu : suatu sikap konsisten kami dalam menyajikan informasi dalam bingkai yang menarik dan unik tetapi selalu memberi warna- warni sebagai kemerdekaan dalam ber pendapat tanpa membedakan suku agama dan politik.
Semoga kehadiran u3news.com, dalam mewarnai kemajemukan berbangsa dan bernegara dapat memberi sumbangsih dari sisi mencerdas kehidupan anak bangsa lewat informasi yang kami tampilkan secara cermat dan akurat melalui : www.u3news .com. Semoga kehadiran kami memberikan makna bagi para pemabaca kami yang budiman. Selamat bergabung dan kami ucapkan terima kasih. kunjungi situs kami di www.u3news.com
U3news.com born when the proliferation of news portals in the country, u3news.com born 03 August 2012 but only realized on August 3, 2013. Which was established by the Urban Communities in Jakarta on the background of the journalist profession. Its presence is a commitment to develop online journalistic work as informative news, carefully and accurately packaged as investigative stories. Of each grain, we always seek to promote the values of ethics and professionalism with the support of human resources quality, innovative and creative, without losing sight of the ethical standards of the journalistic profession (PERS) National.From the perspective of the general urbanism, u3news interpret the "U" is the origin of the word from URBAN, air-meaning with respect to the city, so the information we present is urban information, attitudes and way of life of modern society (urban style) by combining news such rural news of the village, while the number 3 is a number that has meaning greatness of God, but contains three main things that served the surrounding urban life is; Politics, Law and Economics.
Meaning of blue, yellow and red letters marked on the UN logo has a special meaning Generally, namely: a consistent stand us in presenting information in an interesting and unique frame but always gives colorful as independence in her opinion regardless of race religion and politics ,
Hopefully u3news.com, in coloring the plurality of the state and nation can contribute in terms of mencerdas life of the nation through the information we show carefully and accurately through: www.u3news .com. Hopefully we give meaning to the pemabaca us dear. Welcome to join and we thank you. visit our website at www.u3news.com