Tabloid Bandung Infomedia for Android
Bandung Infomedia merupakan media/sarana untuk memperkenalkan produk dan jasa berupa tabloid (sejenis Koran), dimana calon konsumen dapat memperolehnya secara cuma-cuma (Gratis). Kami tersebar luas di Kota Bandung dengan jangkauan yang mudah di tempat-tempat yang mempunyai daya beli tinggi seperti di Hotel, Airport, Pusat Perbelanjaan dan sentra-sentra bisnis lainnya.
Komitmen Kami adalah menjadi jembatan penghubung antara pihak produsen dengan calon konsumennya, sekaligus menghadirkan sebuah media panduan dalam berbisnis, dengan dukungan sumber daya manusia yang profesional, Kami ingin menjadikan Tabloid khusus iklan Bandung Infomedia sebagai salah satu media berpromosi yang efektif dan efisien. Kami mengedepankan Fleksibilitas dalam pelayanan karena Kami memahami dan memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat bisnis Kota Bandung.
Bandung Infomedia hadir dengan format tabloid (58cm x 42cm), terbit sebulan sekali, berbahasa Indonesia, yang sudah dilengkapi dengan lembar berwarna (FC) dan lembar hitam putih (BW). Untuk format ukuran iklan, Bandung Infomedia menetapkan ukuran yang telah disediakan (panjang x lebar/cm2), Untuk jumlah halaman disesuaikan dengan minat para calon pemasang iklan.
Our company was established in early 2003 working in the print media, located on Jl. Dushasana No. 18 Bandung, We are here as a manifestation of our respect for the lack of media / means to promote easy, cheap and effective especially in Bandung.Bandung Infomedia is a media / means to introduce products and services in the form of a tabloid (a type of paper), which prospective customers can get for free (Free). Our widespread in Bandung to reach easily in places that have a high purchasing power such as in hotels, Airport, Shopping Centers and other business centers.
Our commitment is to be a bridge between the producers with prospective customers, as well as presenting a media guide in business, with support for human resources professionals, we want to make a special tabloid Bandung Infomedia advertising as a medium to promote effective and efficient. We promote flexibility in service because we understand and consider the needs of the business community in Bandung.
Bandung Infomedia comes with a tabloid format (58cm x 42cm), published once a month, Indonesian language, which is equipped with colored sheets (FC) and a sheet of black and white (BW). To format the size of the ad, Bandung Infomedia set a predefined size (length x width / cm2), for the number of pages tailored to the interests of the prospective advertisers.
good app
by D####:
Best for your promotion of your product