About ProK9Detect
ProK9Detect Ltd is a company specialized in detection services provided by its K9 Unit to help you find explosives, firearms and drugs in spaces such as private houses, public offices, companies, vehicles, baggage, airports, stadium, stations, underground stations, ports, public meetings, events like concert, football matches, opening ceremonies etc. .. Its team is driven by great passion for dogs and it is born from over 10 years of experience in dogs education and training.
Our client are:
private individuals
private and public companies
government agencies
security company
transportation companies
sport agencies
ProK9Detect Ltd think that dogs' skills are fundamental to deal with the uncreasing need of feeling safe, real or perceived.
The instability of the world situation brough by the global economical crises and by terrorism creates potential situations of danger. ProK9Detect Ltd thinks about preventing the threat not only of terrorism, but also of micro-crime, organized crime, individual acts made by hopeless ones, etc..
ProK9Detect Unit are able to increase your safety in your workplace, at school or at home. ProK9Detect Ltd is a company specialized in detection services provided by its K9 Unit to help! Explosives, firearms and drugs in spaces: such as private houses, public offices, companies, vehicles, baggage, airports, stadium, stations, underground stations, ports, public meetings, events like concert, football matches, opening ceremonies etc.. .. Its team is driven by great passion for dogs and it is born from over 10 years of experience in education and training dogs.
Our clients are:
private individuals
private and public companies
government agencies
security company
transportation companies
sports agencies
That Ltd ProK9Detect think dogs' skills are fundamental to deal with the uncreasing need of feeling safe, Perceived or real.
The instability of the world situation brough by the global economical crises and terrorism by Creates potential situations of danger. ProK9Detect Ltd Preventing thinks about not only the threat of terrorism, but Also of micro-crime, organized crime, individual acts made by hopeless ones, etc. ..
ProK9Detect Unit are Able to Increase your safety in your workplace, at school or at home.