Guru Pembelajar for Android
Apa itu guru pembelajar? Program ini dikembangkan oleh Kemdikbud pasca UKG tahun 2015 lalu. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru. Artinya guru disuruh lagi belajar untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya lewat pelatihan baik berupa tatap muka maupun online.
Guru yang berhak mengikuti Guru Pembelajar Moda Daring ini adalah guru yang memiliki nilai UKG antara 55-70, serta mereka yang tidak diikutkan dalam diklat instruktur nasional (sisa kuota) dengan nilai UKG 71-100. Selain itu kriteria peserta guru pembelajar moda daring, adalah mereka yang KCM nya yang memenuhi 5-7 Kelompok Kompetensi. (di Raport UKG yang warna hitam 5-7 buah)
Android app is for teachers to log into the web Master Moda Online Learner, in order to improve the ability of teachers online.What the teacher learner? The program was developed by the post UKG 2015 Kemdikbud ago. The goal is to improve the competency of teachers. This means that teachers were told they learn to improve their competence through training either in-person or online.
Teachers are eligible teachers Moda Online Learners are teachers who have UKG value between 55-70, as well as those who are not included in the training of national instructors (quota) with UKG 71-100. Additionally criteria learner teacher participants online modes, are those that meet its KCM 5-7 Competence Group. (On report cards are black UKG 5-7 pieces)