About I2Us
I2Us is a grounds roots intuitive started by me when I was in Grade 3 However, my passions and interests have increased and expanded into three categories I want to socially advocate and create awareness. They are environment, underprivileged and people who have disabilities. The environment, our Earth and home have clothed us, protected us, fed us and has done for what has shaped human history, it is our job to fix our horrible actions and deeds. We, 17% control the world’s best resources and it is not fair. Some say life is not fair. However, we should always help. So next time you visit a place you might believe which might have some poverty, go and help. It is our responsibility to help those in need. There are many people in the world who have disablities such as autism or might have a wheelchair. Many of these people don’t have enough funds, resources to survive in this 21rst world we have. It is our job to look out for them. I am only 1 voice like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr, however, they expanded into a large voice. My goal is simple: Make the world a thousand times better than it was before and increase my voice!
Remember, it starts with One voice.
taj_rohan_niamOne voice + many voices =world voices!