ГАИ Местоположение for Android
Для работы приложения необходим выход в интернет.Также желательно включить опцию GPS,все у кого установлено приложение,при обнаружении ДПС на какой либо улице,во дворе итд ставят отметку на карте.так же и вы сможете помочь другим автовладельцам избежать не желательной встречи с ДПС.
"GAI location in your town," a free online map of the traffic police posts on your ulitsah.Hotite always know where are the inspectors DPS !? then this app will help you to always know their location. Where DPS - is shown on the map where currently there are traffic police patrol car that will allow you to define a detour if necessary and avoid unwanted meetings.An application needs access to the internet.Takzhe desirable to include a GPS option, all who have installed the application upon detection of DPS on any street, in the yard, etc. put a mark on karte.tak same and you will be able to help other motorists to avoid not desired meeting with DPS .