About Tradezone
We set up the best chat room in the world!
real-time alerts of new trades or trades that are being closed out.
Day Trading Alerts all day through the very active and helpful chat room Connect to best & leading traders in the world
A morning email with the days plan on what stocks are setting up for a trade.
A Daily Watch list so that you can keep track of all the best traders open positions and what they are keeping an eye on for a possible trade.
Training available on Tradingroup site is really the best.
All valuable information in one place, if you have the time and desire you can easily go it on your own if you want to.
By installing this app you agree to the following privacy policies:
'http://www.oneaudience.com/privacy/?package_name=com.wAppTradePro_5628595' We set up the best chat room in the world!
real-time alerts of new trades or trades that are being closed out.
Day Trading Alerts all day through the very active and helpful chat room Connect to best & amp; amp; pronounced leading traders in the world
A morning email with the days plan on what stocks are setting up for a trade.
A Daily Watch list so that you can keep track of all the best traders open positions and what they are keeping an eye on for a possible trade.
Training available on Tradingroup site is really the best.
All valuable information in one place, if you have the time and desire you can easily go it on your own if you want to.
By installing this app you agree to the following privacy policies: