Accont Contabilidade for Android
Isto porque, além de providos de capacidade técnica e habilitação, estamos imbuídos do propósito macro de contribuir para a consecução dos objetivos empresariais dos nossos Clientes.
Nossa identidade foi construída a partir da vocação profissional do Fundador da ACCONT – Contador Raimundo Nonato Reis, profissional com larga experiência em Assessoria Contábil, tendo atuado especialmente nos ramos Gerencial, Custos e Controladoria, que ao constituir a ACCONT para seus filhos, também profissionais contábeis, passou a dispor seu know-how para a rede de Clientes que rapidamente esta empresa conquistou.
When looking for accont can find much more than accounting services. We have for our customers an integrated set of professionals able to find and implement financial and administrative solutions for businesses and entrepreneurs.This is because, as well as provided with technical capacity and qualification, we are imbued with the purpose macro to contribute to the achievement of the business objectives of our customers.
Our identity was built from the professional vocation of the Founder of accont - Counter Raimundo Nonato Reis, professional with extensive experience in the Accounting Advisory, having worked especially in the Management branches, Costs and Control, which to be the accont for their children, also accounting professionals , now provides its know-how to the Guest network quickly this company won.