About Århus PC
Velkommen til Århus PC
Firmaet blev grundlagt i marts 2008 og har siden starten levet af god service, tilfredse kunder og faste lave priser, så kunden er tryg fra første kontakt.
Hos os, kan du nemlig altid få den samlede pris at vide inden du behøver at tage stilling til om vi skal have opgaven, blot kontakt os inden indlevering.
Vores priser og leveringstider er blandt de absolut bedste i Danmark!
Brug vores app til nemt at have mulighed for at kontakte os med dine pc problemer! Welcome to Aarhus PC
The company was founded in March 2008 and has since then lived on good service, satisfied customers and fixed low prices so the customer is comfortable from the first contact.
With us, you can namely always get the total price to know before you need to decide whether we should have the task, just contact us before filing.
Our prices and delivery times are among the best in Denmark!
Use our app to easily be able to contact us with your PC problems!