About 南投縣無障礙協會
2006 年 1 月間一群有鑒於無障礙環境對每個人漸形重要而一般大眾對無障礙環境認識有限,身心障礙者對無障礙環境需求更顯迫切,但政府的執行仍待促進的人發起籌組協會,以促使政府在各項措施上,建立無障礙的身心環境,及公共場所設立各項輔助身心障礙者與銀髮族行動之設施,使其在行動上達到無障礙空間,並給予心理、就業各方面之輔導、訓練等,使其建立自信心與尊嚴,並達到身心無障礙的境界。
於 2006 年 5 月 6 日正式成立『社團法人南投縣無障礙協會』~
TEL:886 4 923 90305
辦事處:南投縣南投市平山一路三街 46 號
MOBILE:886 928 517 147
In January 2006 a group of view of accessibility gradually form an important and limited awareness of the general public to accessibility for everyone, handicapped accessibility needs more urgent, but people still to promote the implementation of the government to initiate 筹组Association to promote the government on measures to build a barrier-free physical and emotional environment, and public places to set up the assist handicapped facilities and the silver-haired action to achieve barrier-free space on the action, and give psychological, employment various aspects of counseling, training, etc., to build self-confidence and dignity, and physical and mental state of accessibility.
On May 6, 2006 formally established "juridical association, Nantou County Accessible Society" ~
Accessible Corp. Nantou County Association
Investment House Social and Political word No. 09501075140
Taiping Road, Township, Nantou County, some Caotun 307 5F-2
TEL: 886 4 923 90305
Office: Nantou City, Nantou County, No. 46 Third Street all the way Hirayama
MOBILE: 886 928 517 147