About VTS.Bike
VTS.Bike lets you track your current position based on GPS technology. Application calculates parameters of your trips, such as: speed, time, distance, elevations, slopes, burnt calories and other.
Recorded route is available to view on map, but can be also exported to file:
-or to server.
It's also possible to display following graphs for specific routes:
-speed / time
-speed / distance
-altitude / time
-altitude / distance
Possibilities of VTS.Bike aren't only the statistics. Needs of the most demanding cyclist fulfil:
-Trip diaries
-Taking photos of your routes
-Placing your favorite POI (Points of Interest) on the map
-Communicate with other cyclists
-Following users of VTS.Bike on bike events and marathons
-Using other users traces, for training or purely recreational
Aplication is consistently expanded. With new versions, will come more and more interesting functions or even field games!
You're welcome to try VTS.Bike out.