About Mein VTH
For more than 70 years Verlag für Technik und Handwerk neue Medien GmbH has been one of the leading special interest publishers for modeling literature. Now the company is providing its readers with a broad range of magazines in digital form.
Our magazine FMT – Flugmodell und Technik is Germany’s leading special interest magazine for RC-model airplanes. Always up to date and highly competent. covering reviews, technics , electronics, building techniques , events. From foam models to helicopters to turbine jets. The FMT covers it all.
rcTREND is the magazine for copter, RC-cars, speedboats and topics around remote-controlled models. This magazine thinks outside the box and handles other related topics such as consumer electronics, lifestyle and fashion.
ModellWerft is the magazine for dedicated ship modelers. Each issue features easy to complex RC models, RC-electronics, portraits of original ships for collecting as well as reports on ship model building and practical topics.
TRUCKmodell covers all aspects of radio controlled truck model building, including agricultural machines, construction vehicles and other utility vehicles. Each issue features model presentations, product reviews, RC-electronics, hydraulics and articles on building techniques.
Maschinen im Modellbau shows the whole range of the technical model building. Steam engines, hot air engines, combustion engines, tips from the workshop as well as articles on tools and materials provide interesting and educational reading. A must for each techie and workshop tinkerer.
Additional magazines and books on various modeling topics complete our range of publications.