Ebola Tracker (NO DEV SUPPORT) for Android
Can't scroll to apply filters and where is this data coming from?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wer all gonna die!!!!! I never tought it end would this way :'(
Thumbs down
I think it's great you can see confirmed and unconfirmed cases... but there are no details on what city or state or even when the cases were reported.
The new update resolved the issue and now it is working perfectly. Thank you and great job!
There is no option to verify and no info in the app. Just a pin on the map. Anyone can report a false report.
Seemless interface and easy to use
Don't like at all
Very helpful
by U####:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wer all gonna die!!!!! I never tought it end would this way :'(