About Emerging Radio : Indie Music
Tired of hearing the same songs played over and over on the radio? Looking for something alternative? Indie? Indie Pop? Indie Hip-Hop? Indie Folk? Indie anything? Looking to discover your new favorite indie band? Looking for new indie music, emerging music, alternative music, or unsigned bands? Emerging Radio is the only free ALL INDEPENDENT MUSIC radio app available for the iPhone and Android devices!
Now you can easily discover unsigned and new indie bands with brand new indie music, for free, simply by selecting the genre you want to hear.
Emerging Radio has several genres to choose from, all filled with indie artists bringing you the best in new unsigned music, with more genres coming soon. Available Music Genres: Alternative, Bluegrass, Blues, Country, Electronic, Folk, Hip-Hop, Jam Rock, Jazz, Metal, Pop, Reggae, R&B, Rock
Each band has additional info, including bios and websites and more. The new Emerging Radio app is dedicated to bringing you new indie music seamlessly to your iPhone and Android devices. Stay listening for more and more Indie music being added every day and new features in the works. Welcome to Emerging Radio. Enjoy!
by U####:
Great app and way to learn about new bands before they become popular!