About EDDAL Dealer Members Directory
EDDAL Dealer Members Directory app is a perfect tool for everyone connected with Escorts Agri Machinery business and Escorts Construction Equipment business to access information of all the dealers and executives across India of these Business Divisions. Users can view business details and filter by Division, State, District, Region, Dealership, VIP Name and Contact No. It also makes Escorts Marketing, Sales & Service employees’ information available anytime, anywhere on the device. Following information can be accessed through this app:
1. Dealer Profile like Phone number, email, Office Address, Residence Address, Date of Birth, Date of Marriage Anniversary, Blood Group, Name of Spouse and children.
2. Executives’ Profile like Phone number, email, Office Address, Residence Address, Department, Designation, Date of Birth, Date of Marriage Anniversary, Blood Group, Name of Spouse and children.
3. Greeting Reminders (Date of Birth and Date of Marriage Anniversary)
4. Blood Mates. Search is available on Blood Group, State, etc.
5. Other useful contacts like Hotels and Taxi services provided by EDDAL.
Escorts Dealers Development Association Ltd. (EDDAL) is a unique venture between Escorts Limited and its partner Dealerships across India, dedicated solely to contribute to their development.