About mVasco
Za delovanje programa je potrebno imeti nameščen servis Vasco.web (za namestitev, cene in pogoje pokličite Vasco d.o.o.) in odprtega uporabnika v meniju 7.W v programu Fakturiranje ali Glavna knjiga. V programu je nato potrebno skozi meni "Strežniki" nastaviti enega ali več dostopov v bazo podatkov, pomembno je tudi, da je izbrani strežnik označen in ima v pregledu pred imenom znak *. Nato lahko osvežite celotne podatke z menijem "Osveži šifrante" oz. bo program sam sporočil, da mora osvežiti podatke, ko boste dostopali do kakšne od funkcij.
mVasco trenutno omogoča naslednje funkcije:
- pregled neplačanih računov s možnostjo filtriranja, urejanja in izrisom grafa po komercialistih,
- pregled zaloge artiklov,
- pregled poslovanja,
- kartice strank (podrobni podatki stranke, računi, dobavnice, naročila, prevzemnice in posebne cene),
- kartice artiklov (pregled dokumentov, ki vplivajo na zalogo artikla, računi, seštevki, direktni ogled vsebine dokumenta),
- pregled prodaje v poljubnem časovnem okvirju, možnost ogleda tako prodajnih in nabavnih vrednosti ter razliko v ceni,
- poročila v programu Glavna knjiga This program is necessary to have installed Service Vasco.web (installation, prices and conditions please contact Vasco Ltd.) and open user menu 7.W program Invoicing or General Ledger. The program is then necessary through the menu "Servers" to configure one or more accesses to the database, it is also important that the selected server and has labeled the review before the name of the character *. You can then reload the entire data of the menu "Refresh registers" or. the program itself messages that must refresh the data when you access any of the functions.
mVasco currently provides the following functions:
- An overview of unpaid invoices with the possibility of filtering, editing and plotting graphs for sales managers,
- Review of stock items,
- Review of Business,
- Card customers (detailed customer data, invoices, delivery notes, orders, acquiring and special rates)
- Card items (examination of documents which affect the stock of the article, account summaries, direct viewing the contents of the document)
- A review of sales in any time frame, the ability to view both sales and purchase value, and the difference in price,
- Report in General Ledger