
V8sound.com Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (11) —  Free Android application by V8 Development


About V8sound.com

Pada 1994, mulanya kami mendirikan Harry Kiss Production, sebuah perusahaan Event Organizer. Lalu pada tahun 1996, karena tuntutan klien akan audio system yg harus selalu berkualitas baik, maka EO kami akhirnya mendirikan persewaan/rental audio system sendiri, dengan menggunakan barang-barang kelas teratas, seperti loudspeaker Meyersound dari Amerika, mixer console Yamaha, sekelas PM5D dan Mixer Venue Digidesign, perangkat pendukung terbaik XTA DSP, Amplifier Crest Audio dan Crown, EQ KlarkTeknik dan Microphone Neumann, Shure dan Sennheiser serta kabel-kabel mic, konektor dan snake cable berkualitas tinggi seperti Canare, Mogami dan Neutrik .

Lalu 10 tahun kemudian, tahun 2006, dengan pengalaman rental dan penelitian yang mendalam kami mulai memproduksi sendiri barang-barang kebutuhan rental audio kami, seperti loudspeaker, amplifier dan DSP, itu pun hanya untuk keperluan rental kami sendiri.
Kami merancang, membuat dan melakukan fine tuning di Jakarta. Bahan baku dan komponen kami datangkan dari resources terbaik dari seluruh dunia, misalnya plywood premium dari Rusia atau Finland, driver speaker kami design sendiri dan pesan di pabrik-pabrik speaker yg mempunyai presisi yg sangat tinggi di dunia. Kami menamai produk kami dengan merek “V8sound.com”, sesuai dengan nama website kami agar orang mudah mencarinya. In 1994, we established the first Harry Kiss Productions, a corporate event organizer. Then in 1996, due to the demands of the clients will be audio system that must always be of good quality, then the EO we finally established a leasing / rental audio system itself, using class goods top, like a loudspeaker Meyersound of America, mixer console Yamaha, classmates PM5D and Mixer Digidesign Venue, best supporting XTA DSP devices, Amplifiers Crest Audio Crown, EQ KlarkTeknik and Microphone Neumann, Shure and Sennheiser mics as well as cables, connectors and cable snake of such high quality Canare, Mogami and Neutrik.

Then 10 years later, in 2006, with a rental experience and in-depth research we started to produce their own goods for our audio rental, such as loudspeaker, amplifier and DSP, and then only for the purposes of our own rental.
We design, make and do some fine tuning in Jakarta. Raw materials and components we have to come from the best resources from around the world, such as premium plywood from Russia or Finland, speaker drivers our own design and message in factories speakers who have a very high precision in the world. We named our product under the brand "V8sound.com", according to the name of our website so that people easily search for it.

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.v8sound.apps.official, download V8sound.com.apk

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