Untold for Android
De cand ati facut ultimul update,adica acum vreo 2 sau 3 zile,nu mai apar toate scenele,orele is aiurea iar in afara de primazi,nu apare nimic.
Cea mai proasta aplicație untold de pana acum.
Stages don't work, pls make it work!
Needs update on artists
Este o aplicatie folositoare, dar la "stages" nu apar artistii decat in prima zi, in rest totul e lipsa.
The app seems cool ...cant wait to use it at the event. Rated 4 stars cause the radio play button...please add a loader ...some interaction that showes you pressed it and it's trying to start the stream. At this point when connection is low it stays like that for 3-10 seconds at then it start...it's very annoying...and your radio rocks...
It worked better last year. Timeline didn't work this time(not like last year), the app crashes - a lot - when clickying on random stuff, not verry intuitive, tweets disappear before you can read them. The map worked... kinda. You have nice ideas for it but you can't seem to make them work. Needs lots of improvement; it's been 2 years now - i expected more.
UI/UX-ul sunt okay, dar ma seaca la maxim faptul ca notificarile push sunt doar de umplutura... Le ating ca sa vad despre ce e vorba in speranta de a intra in aplicatie, dar nu rezolv absolut nimic... Nu sunt singurul, asta e clar si nu sunt de vina telefoanele mele... Am un Samsung Galaxy S7 si un OnePlus One, pe ambele face la fel... Pe HTC A9 si HTC 10 acelasi peste...
Lineup events delay bug was fixed quickly. Still, deleting the events from your own schedule is not very intuitive. Including having the events mixed with the last year's.
Au fost modificate orele artistilor (modificare vizibila in Stages), dar modificarea nu se reflecta si in My Lineup... motiv pentru care este necesar sa stergem toti artistii si sa.i adaugam din nou.
Toasts are horrible. They woke up my child many times while sleeping. Other than no help from this app, it is very annoying. Uninstall after a day of usage
Worst app ever, sent hundred of notifications. Spam notification
Useless. Wrong schedule, notifications don't work, sometimes the screen just stays black
Line up hours are bugged !!!! L.E. changed to 5 because of the fast fix !
Radioul se tot oprește dacă ieși din aplicație sau stingi ecranul (nu e de la telefon, alte aplicatii functioneaza pe date si in fundal)
Imi apar notificarile dar nu pot sa le vad numai primele cuvintele daca dau click se dispara :( pe Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
nu primesc notificari ale artiștilor din lineup-ul meu. Telefon : One Plus 3T
No internet connection ?! I have 4G + wifi..
Its shet
Awesome app
The menu "My Lineup" looks strange...could you arrange the line up somehow more intuitive? The days and stages are separated without any sense. On the newest version 3.0.18 same issue!
Actele de caritate sunt de lăudat, însă faptul ca N-ati fost în stare sa susțineți un spital oricare din Transilvana, shame on you.nu va sustin
Unde pot accesa din aplicatie lista tranzactiilor efectuate pe bratara? Cum poate accesa cineva care a achizitionat biletele in grup, deci nu cu mail-ul lui s-au achizitionat biletele, informatiile despre sold? V-om avea aceleasi functionalitati ca si anul trecut cu Festipay?
Foarte des apare mesajul ca nu am internet, chiar daca e activat, datele apar foarte greu...mai ales lista de artisti sau pozele.
This app is everything the festival is not, BAD. No internet connection error when going to artist page even though full wi-fi bars, slow loading times for such a small app. This app does no justice to the festival which it represents.
După ultimul update, programul din stages arata foarte ciudat.. ziua 1 primul artist imi apare ca incepe la 00:00, in ziua 2 la fel incepe 08:05 dimineata. Menționez ca am dat reinstall si degeaba. Rezolvați bug-ul!
Probleme cu serverele - presupun. Indiferent ca sunt pe wifi sau date imi spune ca nu-s conectat la net. Maps e doar a harta google. Pagina de artisti nu se incarca. Deocamdata e inutila si inutilizabila :(
Am descarcat acum aplicatia si imi zice no internet connection...si nu apare nimic in ea...
It doesn't show map and it gives an error all the time "no internet connection"
Map in landscape mode please
Problema la check-in prin topup: nu imi acceseaza telefonul pt a incarca poza iar fara poza nu pot finaliza check-in-ul. Precizez ca mi-am updatat aplicatia si am permis aplicatiei sa-mi acceseze pozele din telefon.
E super dubios ca puneti oamenii sa va dea CNP-ul de buna voie. Ba chiar mai mult, ii puneti sa va uploadeze si o poza de portret... Feature care apropo, nu merge.
Intru in My Lineup si la revedere, ANR. Nexus 5X cu ultima versiune de Android in caz ca va ajuta.
Nicr job, fixing the bugs in 2 days ;)
Amazing app. With all line-up and schedule up to date. Love the music stream. Keep the great work. Go Cluj Go Untold. I will be there !!
The app is fantastic and very useful. the only problem I have is when I try to check in, the button for uploading a photo is not working.
Voi testați aplicația înainte să trimiteți un update? :) Ia uitati-va la "stages" să vedeți ce minune ați făcut pe banda aia de jos :)))
The notifications were coming late. A friend with the iOS version did not have any problems, so I wouldn't blame the network operator. A few small issues with the maps, that were fixed during the festival. I used this summer many festival apps so based on that I recommend to improve the user experience and do some real performance testing.
It worked better last year. Timeline didn't work this time(not like last year), the app crashes - a lot - when clickying on random stuff, not verry intuitive, tweets disappear before you can read them. The map worked... kinda. You have nice ideas for it but you can't seem to make them work. Needs lots of improvement; it's been 2 years now - i expected more.
by R####: