Mesothelioma Compensation for Android
Some mesothelioma settlements and verdicts have reached into the millions, but it’s not easy to estimate how much a person will receive prior to filing a claim. Compensation varies on claimant’s diagnosis, medical history, companies sued, where the claim is filed, proof of negligence and other factors.
History has shown that an overwhelming majority of cases end in a settlement before reaching the courtroom. But some cases do go to trial, where a judge or jury can make a verdict that awards significant compensatory and punitive damages.
Settlement and verdict amounts often are tied to the cost of medical expenses, physical and mental distress, lost wages and bills that accumulate as patients move forward with an asbestos-related illness. Of course, compensation also is linked to the strength of the case, which brings into play the plaintiff’s specific diagnosis and health condition, as well as the degree of perceived liability on the part of one or more defendants.
Exact settlement figures are usually considered private, and claimants often are bound by confidentiality agreements. However, settlement amounts tend to reach the public eye from time to time.
Settlement Examples by State
In 2011, a circuit court judge in Missouri approved a $10 million settlement awarded to Nancy Lopez, a Jackson County courthouse employee exposed to asbestos during a renovation project done by the U.S. Engineering Company.
Nancy Lopez
Libby Montana
A Montana judge in 2011 approved a $43 million settlement in Libby, Montana. But because the settlement covered more than 1,300 miners and their families, individual settlements ranged from only $500 to $61,000.
The family of a New Jersey construction worker received a $2.1 million settlement after he died of mesothelioma, but a Navy veteran received settlements totaling $461,000 after he developed asbestos-related lung cancer.
Construction Worker
New Jersey
New York
New York
A boilermaker in New York received a $3.7 million settlement after developing lung cancer from asbestos exposure. A building maintenance worker received a $2 million settlement after developing mesothelioma.
Wondering if you qualify for a settlement? Our team can help you through the process.
See If You Can Get a Settlement
According to a recent Mealey’s Litigation Report, the average mesothelioma trial award is estimated at $2.4 million. The average mesothelioma settlement is between $1 million and $1.4 million and typically paid by multiple defendants. However, no cases are alike.
Settlement Process
The settlement process doesn't start out as a settlement. It starts with a mesothelioma attorney preparing to present a case to a judge and jury.
"We're prepared to take every one of our cases to trial. A very small percentage, though, ever get to a verdict," said Dan Kraft, an attorney at Weitz & Luxenberg, who won a $22 million asbestos-related verdict against Goodyear in 2011.
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Quick Settlements
If the defendant has settled or lost cases in the past, there may be a need to settle the latest claim quickly without going through the case process again. But settling early may not provide proper compensation for your expenses or asbestos exposure damages.
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Lower Offers
Defendants usually offer unfairly low settlements. An experienced mesothelioma attorney can advise you about your options and suggest you hold out for a better proposal. Even right before a mesothelioma trial starts, the defendant's lawyers may make another settlement offer.
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Trial Settlements
In complaints where multiple defendants are named in the lawsuit, it isn't uncommon for some to settle before heading to trial, avoiding additional expenses, negative publicity and a prolonged proceeding. However, some defendants might be willing to take their chances in a trial.